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Item Проблеми імпортозамінної діяльності в Україні у контексті євроінтеграційних процесів(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016) Моторнюк, У. І.; Теребух, М. І.; Ціхановський, А. О.Проаналізовано підходи до трактування понятя “імпортозаміщення”. Досліджено тенденції експортно-імпортної діяльності в Україні у контексті євроінтеграційних процесів, а також динаміку коефіцієнта покриття товарів та послуг. Узагальнено стратегії імпортозаміщення у перерізі окремих галузей та пропозиції щодо напрямів їх реалізації. Проаналізовано переваги та недоліки політики імпортозаміщення. Виокремлено проблеми реалізації моделей імпортозаміщення в Україні. а також особливості реалізації політики імпортозаміщення у контексті стимулювання розвитку малого підприємництва. The approaches to interpretation concepts of “import substitution” were analyzed in this article. The tendencies of export-import activities in Ukraine in the context of European integration, and the dynamics of the absorption factor goods and services. Overview of import substitution strategies in individual sectors and proposals for their іmplementation areas. Advantages and disadvantages of the policy of import substitution were analyzed as well. Thesis there is determined the problem realization import models in Ukraine. and also features import substitution policy іmplementation in the context of stimulating small business development. Іmport substitution should be considered more widely, particularly as management not only trade flows, and all tangible and intangible assets, values that have and have materialized forms, which can be imported on the territory of the state and affect the volume of domestic production, supply, development and, respectively, consumption. The basis for national economic growth is the development of industry, certain activities which may be export-oriented, import-substituting or neutral. Entities engaged in import, contribute to balancing trade flows and economic growth. Implementation in Ukraine classical model of import substitution, based only on their own resources and technologies in the near future is connected with great difficulties due to loss of competitive position of many economic activities. Another model of import substitution can be import-substituting industrialization, for the implementation of which should actively involve international companies and foreign direct investment of transnational corporations. As decisive implementation of industrial import substitution model considered foreign direct investment (FDI), the government must deal with improving Ukraine's image to potential investors. By this time in the international format Ukraine is still a few attractive to potential investors and FDI are characterized by weak capitalization. The main obstacles for FDI, vital for economic modernization in view of the limited financial resources of their own, are inefficient public administration, uncertainty about contract enforcement and corruption. Import substitution aimed at systemic effect obtained by the public or separate economic entity and is appropriate when the process is a prerequisite for the effective functioning of the national economy, giving the possibility of national producers to align its position in the domestic market. The analysis shows that Ukraine has not fulfilled mechanisms to stimulate importsubstituting production. The use of instruments of exchange rate policy was ineffective, including devaluation of the hryvnia not significantly affect the process of import substitution. Tools of monetary policy did not contribute to stimulate import-substituting production. With the right trade policy, as Ukraine could export services at competitive prices. Currently, Ukrainian exports based on agro-commodities that make up two-thirds of exports of goods from the country. However, exports of services belongs to the priorities of Ukraine. Thus, the development of efficient services sector is vital. Implementation of import substitution policy in the context of stimulating small business development should take place, taking into account its level of development, import-substituting strategies, sectoral specialization of small businesses in regions of certain economic activities.