Browsing by Author "Ivasiv, Volodymyr"
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Item Catalysts of aldol condensation of acetic acid with formaldehyde(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2017-12-23) Shpyrka, Iryna; Nebesnyi, Roman; Sydorchuk, Volodymyr; Khalameida, Svitlana; Ivasiv, Volodymyr; Zavalii, Kateryna; Lviv Polytechnic National University; Institute for Sorption and Problems of Endoecology of NAS of UkraineIt had been demonstrated that mechanochemical and hydrothermal treatment of support allows increasing activity and selectivity of the catalyst in the studied process. Hydrothermal treatment (HTT) of silica increases mechanical strength of silica gel granules subjected to hydrothermal treatment, also reduction of coke formation takes place, as well as prolongation of the catalysts life. Similarly, the same approaches allow to optimize the pore structure of titanium phosphates.Item Influence of organic additives on catalysts of liquid-phase cyclohexane oxidation(Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2015) Mudryy, Sergiy; Reutskyy, Viktor; Ivashchuk, Oleksandr; Suprun, Oleksandr; Ivasiv, VolodymyrResearch of oxygen and nitrogen containing organic additives to the catalyst influence on the main parameters of the process of cyclohexane oxidation have been conducted. A wide range of nitrogen and oxygen containing compounds and compounds based on polyglycols with varying molecular weight have been used as additives. The obtained results have been analyzed in view of the structural features of the studied additives and the probability of their interaction with the catalyst and intermediate products of oxidation with subsequent formation of intermediate complexes or associates. Досліджено вплив кисне- та азотовмісних органічних додатків до каталізатора на склад та співвідношення продуктів окиснення циклогексану. Як додатки використовували широкий спектр азотовмісних та кисневмісних речовин з різною молекулярною масою. Одержані результати проаналізовано з огляду на особливості будови досліджуваних додатків, та ймовірності їх взаємодії з каталізатором і проміжними продуктами окиснення з подальшим утворення проміжних комплексів чи асоціатів.Item low temperature acrolein to acrylic acid oxidation with hydrogen peroxide on Se-organic catalysts(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2019-02-28) Nebesnyi, Roman; Ivasiv, Volodymyr; Pikh, Zoryan; Kharandiuk, Tetiana; Shpyrka, Iryna; Voronchak, Taras; Shatan, Anastasia-Bohdana; Lviv Polytechnic National University; Nestle Ukraine LLC; Czech Academy of SciencesДосліджено каталітичну активність Se- вмісних органічних сполук, зокрема метилселенінової кислоти, бензенселенінової кислоти, фенілселенолу та дифеніл- диснленіду як потенційних каталізаторів окиснення ненаси- чених альдегідів пероксидом водню. Встановлено, що всі протестовані сполуки є активними в досліджуваній реакції і характеризуються різною ефективністю залежно від продукту реакції – акрилової кислоти чи метилакрилату. Встановленi оптимальні умови здійснення процесу, ката- лізатор та розчинник для одержання акрилової кислоти.Item Optimization of Process of Methacrylic Acid Obtaining by Aldol Condensation of Propionic Acid with Formaldehyde Using a Kinetic Model(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Nebesnyi, Roman; Ivasiv, Volodymyr; Dmytruk, Yulia; Lapychak, NazarMethacrylic acid is widely used industrial monomer. An alternative method of its obtaining is aldol condensation of propionic acid with formaldehyde in the gas phase. It has been found that catalyst based on oxides of boron and phosphorus and promoted by oxide of tungsten is effective for this process. The purpose of this work is to find out optimal parameters of this process (temperature and contact time) using a kinetic model. The optimal parameters of this process have been found and technology basics of methacrylic acid obtaining have been developed.Item Oxidation of unsaturated aldehydes by hydrogen peroxide in alcohols medium(Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2012) Pikh, Zoryan; Ivasiv, VolodymyrKinetic regularities of α-ethylacrolein and crotonic aldehyde oxidation in methanol, allyl alcohol and glycidol were studied. Rate constants of hydrogen peroxide consumption and rate constants of unsaturated acid and its ester accumulation for both aldehydes in different alcohols at various catalyst concentrations and temperatures were calculated. The reaction activation parameters were also calculated. Dependences of ester/acid ratio on the reaction conditions were ascertained. Dependence of the reaction rate and the reaction products composition on aldehyde and alcohol structures was shown. Data of the reaction products composition dependence on the reaction conditions conform to the reaction kinetic parameters. Вивчено кінетичні закономірності реакції окиснення a-етилакролеїну та кротонового альдегіду в метанолі, аліловому спирті та гліцидолі. Обчислені константи швидкостей витрати пероксиду водню і нагромадження ненасиченої кислоти і її естеру для обох альдегідів в різних спиртах при різних концентраціях каталізатора і температурах та обчислені активаційні параметри реакції.Item Oxidation of unsaturated aldehydes by peracetic acid(Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2016) Pikh, Zoryan; Nebesnyi, Roman; Ivasiv, Volodymyr; Pich, Andrij; Vynnytska, SofiaThe paper is dedicated to studies of kinetic regularities of oxidation of unsaturated aldehydes by organic peracids. The routes of products formation were considered, kinetic model of the oxidation reaction was designed and reaction activation parameters were calculated based on experimental data. New data on reactivity of aldehydes with various structures in the reaction with peracids were obtained. Стаття присвячена дослідженню кінетичних закономірностей реакції окиснення ненасичених альдегідів органічними перкислотами. На основі експериментальних даних запропоновано шляхи утворення продуктів, розроблено кінетичну модель реакції окиснення та розраховано активаційні параметри реакції. Наведено нові дані про реакційну здатність альдегідів різної будови в реакції з перкислотами.Item Prospects of acrylic acid obtaining by gas phase catalytic condensation of acetic acid with formaldehyde(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2012) Nebesnyi, Roman; Ivasiv, Volodymyr; Zhyznevskyi, Viacheslav; Pikh, Zoryan; Dmytruk, YuliaItem Simultaneous methyl methacrylate and methacrylic acid obtaining over zirconium-containing catalysts(Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2015) Nebesna, Yuliia; Nebesnyi, Roman; Ivasiv, Volodymyr; Lapychak, Nazarii; Lviv Polytechnic National UniversityMethyl methacrylate and methacrylic acid are widely used monomers. The aldol condensation of methyl propionate and formaldehyde is perspective process for simultaneous obtaining of this methacrylate monomers. It was found that zirconium-containing catalysts are active in this process. The effect of zirconium content in the catalyst on methyl propionate conversion and yield of methyl methacrylate and methacrylic acid has been determined. The best catalyst for methyl propionate condensation with formaldehyde has been found.Item Single stage acrylic acid obtaining based on methanol and acetic acid(Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2015) Nebesnyi, Roman; Shpyrka, Iryna; Shatan, Anastasiia-Bohdana; Lukiyanchuk, Andriy; Ivasiv, Volodymyr; Nebesna, Yuliia; Lapychak, Nazariy; Lviv Polytechnic National UniversityThe new complex oxide acid type catalysts were developed and their performance in the process of aldol condensation of acetic acid with formaldehyde to acrylic acid was studied. The optimum conditions of the process were determined. It was established that these catalysts are effective in the process of methanol to formaldehyde oxidation, and also in the process of single stage acrylic acid obtaining from acetic acid and methanol in the presence of air.Item Synthesis of methacrylate monomers combined condensation of propionic acid and methylpropionate in the gas phase(Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2016) Lapychak, Nazariy; Ivasiv, Volodymyr; Nebesnyi, Roman; Shatan, Anastasia-Bogdana; Lviv Polytechnic National UniversityDevelopment of active and selective catalyst for the process of obtaining methacrylate monomers from methyl propionate, propionic acid and formaldehyde is one of important stages to industrial implementation of this process. In order to solve this problem, we designed catalyst based on oxides of boron and phosphorus that were promoted by mixture oxides of zirconium and tungsten. The total yield of the target products at optimum temperature of 593 K is 52.3 % with the total selectivity of their formation at 96.4 % and the conversion of reagents of 54.2 %. We determined the effect of adding methanol on the ratio of products MMA/MAA.Item Synthesis, porous structure and catalytic properties of mixed vanadium-titanium phosphates in aldol condensation reaction of acetic acid with formaldehyde(Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2016) Nebesnyi, Roman; Shpyrka, Iryna; Sydorchuk, Volodymyr; Khalameida, Svitlana; Khalameida, Svitlana; Ivasiv, Volodymyr; Orobchuk, Oksana; Zavalii, Kateryna; Lapychak, Nazariy; Lviv Polytechnic National University; Institute for Sorption and Problems of Endoecology of NAS of UkraineMixed vanadium-titanium phosphates as well as individual vanadium and titanium phosphates were prepared via precipitation from sulfate aqueous solutions. Co-precipitated phosphates were modified through mechanochemical treatment (MChT) and characterized using the adsorption-structural methods. The aldol condensation of acetic acid with formaldehyde to acrylic acid has been used as a test reaction. Reduction of optimum reaction temperature from 623 K to 573 K on the treated catalysts is observed.Item The kinetics of the gas phase aldol condensation reaction of propionic acid with formaldehyde on B2O3-P2O5-WO3/SiO2 catalyst(Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2014) Nebesnyi, Roman; Ivasiv, Volodymyr; Pikh, Zorian; Zhyznevskyi, Viacheslav; Dmytruk, YuliaThe basic kinetic regularities of aldol condensation reaction of propionic acid with formaldehyde on the B2O3-P2O5-WO3/SiO2 catalyst in gas phase have been investigated. The kinetic equations of the process have been proposed and the kinetic parameters have been calculated. The created kinetic model fairly well describes the condensation reaction of propionic acid with formaldehyde on the developed catalyst. Встановлено основні кінетичні закономірності реакції альдольної конденсації пропіонової кислоти з формальдегідом у газовій фазі на B2O3-P2O5-WO3/SiO2 каталізаторі. Запропоновано кінетичні рівняння та розраховано кінетичні параметри. Створена кінетична модель, яка непогано описує реакцію конденсації пропіонової кислоти з формальдегідом на запропонованому каталізаторі.