Browsing by Author "Mykyichuk, Mykola"
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Item Detection of gaps in documentation concerning remotepiloted aviation based on content analysis(Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2018-06-25) Markiv, Volodymyr; Mykyichuk, Mykola; Markiv, Oksana; Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, UkraineThis article dwells upon the procedures of computer-linguistic formation of documentation concerning remote-piloted vehicles that are necessary for the implementation of software components for the collection, processing and preservation of information received from open web-resources. It is highlighted that processing of large volumes of information located on open web-resources requires development of certain approaches to its automated consolidation, classification, structuring, processing and use that is very useful for further certification of remote-piloted vehicles. It is emphasized that linguistic support as a set of linguistic means of information processing is important during development of relevant information systems for aviation support. The procedures for detecting gaps in documentation concerning remote-piloted aviation by analyzing the structure of documentation, its content, frequency analysis of markers and indicative features that allow to improve functional quality indicators are very similar to the same procedures concerning tourism documentation. It has been made based on documentation structure and content analysis and is important for automatic system development of documentation creation in the sphere of remote-piloted aviation.Item Material testing and results estimation by safety indexes(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2021-02-23) Mykyichuk, Mykola; Rudyk, Yuriy; Lviv Polytechnic National University; Lviv State University of Life SafetyIn the article, both the test method features and the test results of research of thermal behavior of steel fragment were analyzed. Two types of test conditions for steel construction material were considered. The definition and main features of measurement techniques were presented. Fire retardant material test results for steel plates with hydrogen combustion shown the limit of fire resistance of the tested samples is more than 30 min. The main advantages and disadvantages of the test were determined. The positive and negative aspects of this approach were analyzed. These techniques' effective thermal condition is in an environment of uncertainty and has no limited resources was established. Concepts and principles for establishing validity, and frameworks and methods for validating test methods and their results are important elements of safety systems. The article considers the safety of the technical component of a complex organizational and technical system with the study of the functional relationship between the safety elements parameters: temperature, time, fire retardant – by hydrogen participation.Item Metrological requirements of weigh-in-motion systems for vehicles(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2021-02-23) Mykyichuk, Mykola; Hut, Taras; Lazarenko, Nadia; Lviv Polytechnic National UniversityThe article analyzes and proposes solutions for metrological support of weight information systems of road vehicles in motion, including the method of classification of WIM systems by purpose and accuracy classes, metrological requirements for them and control methods for testing and verification, as well as the main metrological risks for Weigh-in-motion systems for road vehicles and requirements for determining and calculating reliability.Item Peculiarities of remote-piloted vehicles on-board navigation complex construction(Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2018-06-25) Mykyichuk, Mykola; Markiv, Volodymyr; Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, UkraineThe article dwells upon the peculiarities of on-board navigation complex construction. It is highlighted that the optimal method for constructing on-board navigation complex is integration into single complex of sensors and systems with the integration of measurement information. The core of on-board navigation complex should be built on the basis of free-form inertial navigation system. To ensure the piloting tasks, the on-board equipment includes system of air signals. On the basis of the air signals system and magnetic compass air course counting is performed, which together with the inertial calculation allow to obtain comprehensive solution in an autonomous mode. It is important to include in the on-board navigation complex receiver of GNSS signals. Thus, the ideology of constructing the on-board navigation complex initially consists in the integration of measurements from the sensors and systems that make up its structure. It is emphasized that directly on-board navigation complex consists from inertial sensors, GNSS and magnetic compass receivers and also interface with air signal system. Specific types of sensors and systems are selected in accordance with the requirements of software and algorithmic support of onboard navigation complex.Item Quality structuring of medical services by decomposition of quality function(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2020-02-24) Mykyichuk, Mykola; Chaban, Olesia; Lviv Polytechnic National University; Lviv National Medical University named after Danylo HalytskyQuality medical care is an important indicator of the economic development of a country. Today, improving the quality of health care services is a priority for both health care institutions and the state as a whole. The development of methods and tools for continuous improvement of the quality of medical services promotes regulation, the perfection of those services, ensures the effective working of all the components together and the consistency and continuity of their provision, as well as help the staff to determine how to achieve the optimal level of care. The implementation of modern methods of ensuring the quality of products and services in medical practice is aimed at increasing patient satisfaction and receiving adequate and professional medical care, in accordance with the principles of Good Clinical Practice. Therefore, it is important to summarize and systematize the requirements for healthcare delivery processes. A key element of the quality management model of care is a process analysis, which involves the identification and design of processes along with their continual improvement. At the same time, the result of management is based on a cycle of actions aimed at minimizing the frequency of deviations in key processes, which guarantees the achievement of the best potential scientifically verified results. There are several groups of processes in a medical institution: treatment, diagnostics, supply, etc. Defining the function of the quality of medical services and their decomposition will allow for optimizing the work of medical institutions and encourage efficiency and competitiveness in innovative development. The article presents the scheme of optimization of medical services by decomposition of their function of quality. A graphic model of decomposition of the function of the quality of health services is proposed based on the model of relations which will formalize the requirements for the processes of providing medical services in a medical institution. This will help to provide healthcare services gradually and minimize the loss of quality of the provided medical services.Item Аналіз частотних характеристик коригування адитивних зміщень у калібраторах напруги постійної струму(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2017-03-28) Матвіїв, Роман; Яцук, Василь; Микийчук, Микола; Яцук, Юрій; Matviiv, Roman; Yatsuk, Vasiliy; Mykyichuk, Mykola; Yatsuk, Yuriy; Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”Здійснено дослідження параметрів калібраторів напруги постійного струму з коригуванням адитивної складової похибки методом подвійної інверсії та усередненням вихідного сигналу активними фільтрами низької частоти. З урахуванням еквівалентної схеми операційних підсилювачів отримано аналітичні й графічні залежності перехідних процесів вихідної напруги активних фільтрів низької частоти за різних значеннь параметрів підсилювачів. Досліджено двокаскадний активний фільтр низьких частот за допомогою комп’ютерного моделювання та отримано залежності значень коефіцієнта послаблення змінної складової вихідної напруги активного фільтра низьких частот від частоти модуляції за різних значень опорів прохідних резисторів.Item Розроблення програмно-апаратного забезпечення для методу реабілітації хворих облітеруючим атеросклерозом судин кінцівок(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2019-02-26) Яцишин, С. П.; Стадник, Б. І.; Хома, Ю. В.; Микийчук, М. М.; Мигунов, Д. О.; Фрьоліх, Т.; Мастило, Р.; Yatsyshyn, Svyatoslav; Stadnyk, Bohdan; Khoma, Yuriy; Mykyichuk, Mykola; Mihunov, Dmytro; Fröhlich, Thomas; Mastylo, Rostyslav; Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”; Технічний університет, Ільменау; Lviv Polytechnic National University; Technical University, IlmenauТематика статті стосується наукових досліджень у сфері охорони здоров’я та медичних технологій на основі подальшого розвитку і впровадження смарт-сенсорів, технік опрацювання біоінформаційних сигналів, їх нормалізації та використання для створення засобів гнучкого коректування фізіологічного стану людського організму методом електростимуляції, узгодженої в режимі реального часу з природними ритмами діяльності конкретного пацієнта. Інтерес до вказаної теми зумовлений проявом, у міру збільшення тривалості активного періоду в житті людей, низки небезпечних захворювань, до яких належать насамперед захворювання серцево-судинної системи. Найчастіше причиною таких захворювань є вікові зміни, а також недалекоглядна поведінка і звички людини: куріння, брак фізичної активності, нездорове харчування та надмірне вживання алкоголю. Змінивши поведінку, людина зможе знизити й ризик серцево-судинних захворювань.