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    Євромайдан: технології зниження політичної активності
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014) Пасічний, Роман
    Незадовільна соціально-економічна ситуація в країні призвела до вивільнення радикальних настроїв у суспільстві. Каталізатором подій стала ситуація щодо підписання договору про асоціацію з ЄС, що зібрало велику кількість людей, налаштованих на дії. На хвилі революційного, протестного настрою виникла нова «мітингова демократія» – Євромайдан у Києві. Як і кожна маса, Євромайдан може піддаватись впливу. Усі політичні гравці у цій ситуації намагаються за допомогою політичних технологій вплинути на Єромайдан для досягнення власної мети. Технології впливу на маси та як вони діють розглянуто у цій статті. Nowadays, the majority of Ukrainian citizens considers social and economic situation in the country unsatisfactory. Corruption, old and unbalanced economic structure, unsatisfactory conditions for small and medium businesses – there are the core of the problems. Inoperative system of social justice, absence of development perspectives, population which is vulnerable to arbitrary from the side of authority resulted in society radicalization and appearance of revolutionary sentiments, which were waiting for a good moment to manifest. The decision of Ukrainian government to make a sudden turn few days before the Vilnius summit and rejection to sign an agreement about association with EU was a trigger that led to gathering of mass rallies. On the ground of revolutionary and protesting sentiments appeared a new «rally democracy» – Euromaidan in Kiev with clones in other cities of Ukraine. When there are the masses of people the task of the policy is to organize them. Political players, such as oppositional leaders and protesting groups in empowered environment got essential lever, but without long-term strategy they weren’t able to use a big potential energy formed for their benefit. A great number of centers which attempted to make an influence on a situation and non-compliance of aims didn’t allow any of them to consolidate their strategic aspirations. At the same time, inability to reach an agreement doesn’t allow any of centers to build a contractual path in order to win the situation. The energy of Euromaidan goes out together with people passion. It is caused by subjective and objective factors namely technology of decreasing citizens’ political activity and competent strategy of government. Considering reasons of Euromaidan formation and analyzing the chronology of events we will try to follow which influence technologies on masses were used by oppositional leaders, public activists and authority. We are interested in such technologies of Euromaidan management as fight with panic, foreign manipulations and provocations in order to avoid its transformation to aggressive crowd of people.