Вісники та науково-технічні збірники, журнали

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    Assessment of heavy metals in sediments and associated ecological risks in Ikwu river, Umuahia, Nigeria
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2023-02-28) Anyanwu, Emeka Donald; Davies, Chris Ibienebo; Adetunji, Onyinyechi Gladys; Michael Okpara University of Agriculture; University of Port Harcourt
    Sediments can act as pollutant sink as well as source of secondary contamination in aquatic ecosystems. The pollution characteristics of eight heavy metals in the sediments of Ikwu River, Umuahia were investigated using eight assessment indices. The study was carried out between January and June 2022 in three stations. Results showed that cadmium exceeded permissible limit, copper exceeded limit only in February 2022 while others were within limits. The values in Stations 2 and 3 were slightly higher, attributed to localized anthropogenic influence; though other human activities in the watershed especially agriculture were not ruled out in the area. Different levels of heavy metal pollution were observed in the sediments as indicated by the indices but Cd was the principal pollutant. The indices indicated the following - Contamination Factor: Zn and Cu (moderate) and Cd (very high), Degree of Contamination (very high), Ecological Risk: Cd (high) and Cu (considerable), Potential Ecological Risk (high), Pollution Load Index (>1), Enrichment Factor: Zn and Cu (moderate) and Cd (extremely high), Geo-accumulation Index: Cd (very highly polluted) and Quantification of Contamination: Cd and Cu (anthropogenic). The sediments were polluted with toxic metals that may be detrimental to humans and aquatic biota.
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    Investigation of the influence of finely dispersed solid substances of the atmospheric air on humans
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2022-06-01) Kozii, Ivan; Sumy State University
    An analytical study of the impact of solids contained in the air of urban areas on human health was conducted. Based on the analysis of the database of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and the State Statistics Service of Ukraine on the emissions of substances into the atmosphere, it was established that the effects of solids on humans depend on particle diameter, morphological and physicochemical characteristics. The analytical research has shown that suspended airborne substances primarily damage the respiratory system and cause harm to the human cardiovascular system. The forecast model of emissions of finely dispersed suspended solids (PM2.5 and less) in Ukraine until 2030 was obtained. The critical analysis of indicators of admissible levels of pollution, considering the comparative characteristic of foreign and domestic standards of admissible concentration of suspended solids in the atmospheric air of settlements, was carried out.
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    Modern comprehensive information system for environmental quality monitoring
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2021-06-01) Honcharenko, Artem; Voloshkina, Olena; Kupinskyi, Ihor; Zhukova, Olena; Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture
    The threat to ecological balance can turn into a global problem, and we observe its deviations, which arise as a result of complex relationships between natural and social environments. Direct and indirect human impact on Earth's ecosystems together and interdependently form the planet's ecosystem, resulting in changes in the social environment of a human. Today's global problems are increasingly shifting to the side of developing countries, where environmental pressure is increasing because along with “pre-industrial” pollution, a new one is emerging, related to the invasion of multinational corporations and “exports” of polluting industries to “third world” countries. Modern “industrial” pollution in developing countries is the result of the transfer of many polluting industries to the “third world”, such as the construction of enterprises, chemical plants, chemicalization of agriculture. Due to this, the concentration of the population in the largest agglomerations is growing.
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    Assessment of the impact of the paper enterprise on the environment
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2020-10-10) Khomko, Natalia; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    Pulp and paper enterprises are of great importance for sustainable economic and environmental development of certain regions and the economy of Ukraine. Man uses many natural resources during the lifetime, creating a burden on nature. As the world's population increases, this load increases, leading to a shortage of resources and deterioration in the environment. The main activity of Kokhavynska Paper Mill PJSC is the production of sanitary products for the domestic market and export. Rational use of secondary raw materials helps to cut the use of forest resources and reduce the amount of waste paper utilized in landfills. 15291.76 t of pollutants from the sources of the enterprise emissions enter the air each year. A total of 9 standardized and 3 non-standardized substances (greenhouse gases) are released into the atmosphere, namely nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, nitrogen (1) oxide (N2O) (greenhouse gas), carbon dioxide (greenhouse gas), methane (greenhouse gas), iron and its compounds, manganese and its compounds, hexavalent chromium (expressed in terms of chromium trioxide), gaseous fluorides, hydrogen sulfide, saturated hydrocarbons C12-C19. There is no excess of the established maximum concentration limits at all emission sources at this enterprise. To assess the impact of the enterprise on soils, the content of heavy metals Zn, Cr (VI), Co, Cu, Pb, Mn, and Fe at the border of the sanitary protection zone of the enterprise was determined and the maximum multi plicity of the excess of MPC of heavy metals was calculated. The content of heavy metals in the selected soil samples was determined using a spectrophotometer atomic absorption C-115-M1. Evaluation of soils for heavy metals showed that the soils at the border of the sanitary protection zone of the enterprise are contaminated with heavy metals. The maximum multiplicity of the excess of the MPC of heavy metals in the soil is 1.04 times for lead; 0.43 times for zinc; 0.37 times for chromium; 0.93 times for copper; 1.85 times for manganese; 0.35 times for cobalt. Maximum concentrations of heavy metals exceed their background content: 1.6 times for lead; 1.8 times for zinc; 1.16 times for chromium; 0.77 times for copper; 3.9 times for manganese; 9.7 times for iron; 1.2 times for cobalt.
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    Ecological state of the rivers in the Zhovkva district of the Lviv region
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2020-02-24) Golodovska, Olena; Kokhalevych, Kateryna; Stokalyuk, Oleh; Lviv Polytechnic National University; Lviv State University of Life Safety
    Observation of the surface water state is carried out to determine its quality (contaminant content) based on the results of analytical control. The analysis of surface water was made according to the polluting sources of the object. It resulted in the proposed management decisions on directions and measures to improve the state of surface water.
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    Portable system for sampling liquid atmospheric precipitation
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2019-02-28) Здобицький, А.; Матвійків, О.; Лобур, М.; Климкович, Т.; Бокла, Н.; Zdobytskyi, A.; Matviykiv, O.; Lobur, M.; Klymkovych, T.; Bokla, N.; Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    У роботі розглянуто можливість визначення постійних та випадкових джерел забруднення навколишнього середовища за рівнем забрудненості рідких атмосферних опадів. Окреслено проблематику забору проб рідких атмосферних опадів та моніторингу концентрації забруднень за часом випадіння атмосферних опадів. Обґрунтовано доцільність розробки портативної системи, що дозволяє здійснювати забір проб рідких атмосферних опадів у автономному режимі в різних часових інтервалах та періодах випадіння дощу, незалежно від місця його встановлення. Описано конструктивні особливості електричної та механічної частин пристрою, а також алгоритм їх роботи. Наведено результати моделювання та перевірки роботоздатності портативного пристрою за якими визначено його сумарний масовий забір води.
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    Analysis of ecological safety of emissions from production of carbon products
    (Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2019-02-26) Belokon’, Karina; Belokon’, Yuriy; Klymenko, Larysa; Zaporizhzhia National University
    The risk to the health of the population from carbon oxide and hydrocarbon waste influence of carbon producing enterprises is estimated in this work. After analyzing the ecological safety of emissions of the carbon producing enterprises it was determined that their activity belongs to the average level of risk and ability to get respiratory organs diseases, sight, cardiovascular and central nervous system diseases for old people, pregnant women and children.
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    Investigation of migration of heavy metals in the soil environment on the example of copper sulfate
    (Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2019-02-26) Lyuta, Oksana; Sabadash, Vira; Beymuk, Mariya; Gumnitsky, Jaroslav; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    The problem of permanent and prolonged pollution of soils by various kinds of pollutants, in particular heavy metals, was analyzed. Experimental investigations of penetration of copper sulfate into a vertical soil profile have been carried out. The adsorption capacity of the sandy environment of copper sulfate was experimentally determined.
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    Моніторинг водних ресурсів м. Нововолинська
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2017-03-28) Хомко, Н. Ю.; Khomko, N. Y.; Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”
    Контроль і управління якістю води є одним із засобів санітарної охорони водойм від антропогенних забруднень та забезпечення максимальної продуктивності водних екосистем і раціонального використання водних ресурсів. Водопостачання м. Нововолинська здійснюється з Північного та Південного водозаборів комунального підприємства “Нововолинськводоканал”. У рік видобувається близько 5,5 млн м3 питної води. Загальний обсяг стічних комунальних, промислових, шахтних вод, які скидаються після очищення у річку Західний Буг, становить приблизно 4,6 млн м3 води. Фактично усі очисні споруди каналізації збудовані до 1990 року на технологіях, розроблених у 60–70-х роках минулого століття, і сьогодні вимагають реконструкції.
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    Pollution of soil environment with mineral fertilizers and ways of their migration deep into the soil
    (Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2016) Gumnytskiy, Jaroslav; Lyuta, Oksana
    One of the major problems of pollution of soil environment, namely by components of mineral fertilizers due to their massive and continuous use in agriculture was analysed in the article. Possible ways of penetration of not absorbed mineral fertilizers deep into the soil as the main reason for getting fertilizers in the lower layers of the soil environment were investigated. A comparison of the impact of soil and climatic conditions on the rate of penetration of fertilizers deep into the soil was done.