Косар, Н. С.Яричевська, Я. І.Kosar, N. S.Yarychevska, Ya. I.2023-08-222023-08-222021-02-252021-02-25Косар Н. С. Загрози та перспективи розвитку операторів на ринку світлових нафтопродуктів України / Н. С. Косар, Я. І. Яричевська // Менеджмент та підприємництво в Україні: етапи становлення і проблеми розвитку : науковий журнал. — Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2021. — Том 3. — № 2. — С. 193–203.https://ena.lpnu.ua/handle/ntb/59814Виявлено, що ринок світлих нафтопродуктів України, який є імпортоорієнтованим та висококонкурентним, зростає помірними темпами. Загрозами на ньому є світові коливання цін на нафту та її вичерпність, законодавчі обмеження, невисока купівельна спроможність споживачів, збільшення кількості електромобілів. Конкурентними перевагами на ньому є наявність широкої мережі АЗК, сильного бренду, додаткового сервісу та лояльних споживачів. Перспективи подальшого розвитку операторів пов’язані з використанням стратегії диверсифікації.The study of the market of light petroleum products of Ukraine made it possible to establish that the market is highly competitive and is growing at an average pace. The main operators on it are FPG “Privat” (gas station networks “Avias”, “ANP”, “Sentosa Oil”, etc.), PJSC “Ukrnafta” (gas station network “UKRNAFTA”), PEG “Continental” (gas station network “WOG”), JSC “Concern “Galnaftogaz” (gas station network “OKKO”). These companies, as well as international gas stations networks, occupy the best competitive positions in the market. In the nearest future, the entry of new companies into the market is not forecasted. Oil refinery companies in Ukraine import oil and products of its processing, and their own oil and gas fields are not developed. Foreign companies that develop their own fields (for example, Russian corporations) have a significant competitive advantage. Also, competitive advantages for operators in the light petroleum products market are the geographical distribution of filling stations, the presence of a strong brand, additional service for consumers, and a significant number of loyal consumers. It was found that such factors as the presence of bureaucratic aspects in decision-making in cooperation with the state, unfair competition in the market from illegal gas stations, a gradual increase in the number of electric vehicles, global fluctuations in oil prices, legislative restrictions, inflation, potential devaluation of the hryvnia, as well as the low purchasing power of consumers have a threatening impact on the market. Among the weaknesses of the industry was the exhaustiveness of the planet's oil resources, and among the opportunities – the development of its own fields or the gradual diversification of production towards adjacent markets (for example, the renewable energy market). Based on the analysis of the light petroleum products industry, it was established that horizontal and vertical diversification strategies are promising for JSC “Concern Galnaftogaz”. According to them, the main marketing solutions of this enterprise can be aimed at creating new types of products (in particular, related to renewable energy), building solar power plants and wind farms on the company's own land plots, and full access to the renewable energy market. The advantage of these strategies is the minimization of risk since the market is partially known (JSC “Concern Galnaftogaz” owns a façade solar power plant on the building of the head office and “green” filling stations (filling stations with solar panels on roofs) in areas with a high level of solar insolation. The implementation of the diversification strategy also consists in expanding the range of products offered by JSC “Concern Galnaftogaz”, for example, by providing such a new service as testing fuel samples in mobile laboratories for individuals who would be able to carry out their own fuel quality check offered by various filling stations.193-203ukринок світлих нафтопродуктів Україниможливості компанійзагрози компаніймережа АЗКдинаміка споживання пальногостратегічний аналіз галузістратегії розвиткузелена енергетикаlight petroleum products market of Ukraineopportunities of companiesthreats of companiesthe network of gas stationsdynamics of fuel consumptionstrategic analysis of the industrydevelopment strategygreen energyЗагрози та перспективи розвитку операторів на ринку світлових нафтопродуктів УкраїниThreats and prospects for the development of operators in the market of light petroleum products of UkraineArticle© Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”, 2021© Косар Н. С., Яричевська Я. І., 202111doi.org/10.23939/smeu2021.02.193339.138Kosar N. S. Threats and prospects for the development of operators in the market of light petroleum products of Ukraine / N. S. Kosar, Ya. I. Yarychevska // Management and Entrepreneurship in Ukraine: the stages of formation and problems of development. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2021. — Vol 3. — No 2. — P. 193–203.