Chaban, Vasil2024-03-112024-03-112023-02-282023-02-28Chaban V. Theoretical substantiation of the results of measuring anomalies of spacecraft trajectories / Vasil Chaban // Measuring Equipment and Metrology. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2023. — Vol 84. — No 3. — P. 11–15. is about the solar acceleration of spacecraft. The prevailing opinion that classical properties of the fundamental laws of statics can be successfully used in the celestial mechanics of low speeds (v << c) has been refuted because the involvement of relativistic methods does not improve the situation due to the smallness of the gravity magnetic acceleration. The essence of the problem is that the known classic methods of the theory of motion operate solely on the transverse component of the velocity vector concerning the orientation of the radius vector of the gravitational interaction. In the article, an insufficient longitudinal component was introduced into the electrogravity theory of motion, the effect of which turned out to be an order of magnitude higher than the effect of the transverse one.11-15enElectrogravityAdditional solar acceleration of spacecraftAdapted Newton’s law of gravity for motionTheoretical substantiation of the results of measuring anomalies of spacecraft trajectoriesArticle© Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”, V. Theoretical substantiation of the results of measuring anomalies of spacecraft trajectories / Vasil Chaban // Measuring Equipment and Metrology. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2023. — Vol 84. — No 3. — P. 11–15.