Lopatynsky, IvanMikityuk, ZenovijCherpak, VladyslavFechan, Andrew2018-09-032018-09-032002Modeling of electric field distribution in the reflective cholesteric liquid crystal display / I. Lopatynsky, Z. Mikityuk, V. Cherpak, A. Fechan // Вісник Національного університету "Львівська політехніка". – 2002. – № 458 : Елементи теорії та прилади твердотілої електроніки. – С. 226–230. – Bibliography: 11 titles.https://ena.lpnu.ua/handle/ntb/42578Modeling the electrode structure of display devices is considered in present paper. The modeling of electric field distribution that applied in a different electrode structure in an anisotropy medium was done.Carried out modeling of electric field distribution in the proposed liquid crystal cell construction of the LC display suggested us to use such electrode structure in the reflective LC display on the base of cholesteric liquid crystalsenliquid crystalselectric field distributionfinger electrode structureModeling of electric field distribution in the reflective cholesteric liquid crystal displayArticle© Ivan Lopatynsky, Zenovij Mikityuk, Vladyslav Cherpak, Andrew Fechan, 2002226–230