Мариняк, А.Maryniak, A.2018-05-172018-05-172017-06-202017-06-20Maryniak A. Economic, environmental, marketing and logistic effects of intellectual capital resulting from the implementation of green supply chains / A. Maryniak // Вісник Національного університету «Львівська політехніка». Серія: Логістика. — Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2017. — № 863. — С. 285–294.https://ena.lpnu.ua/handle/ntb/41240Метою поданого теоретико-пізнавального і аналітичного дослідження є побудова дослідницької моделі для оцінювання кореляції між інтелектуальним капіталом, що бере участь в управлінні ланцюжком поставок і результатами, отриманими у результаті реалізації “зелених” заходів у ланцюзі поставок. У результаті проведених досліджень ми спостерігали зокрема, що вищий рівень людського капіталу пов’язаний з більшою економічною ефективністю. Запропоновано деякі нові напрямки наукових досліджень, що грунтуються на “Ресурсному підході” та “Теорії зацікавлених сторін”.This is a theoretical-cognitive and analytical study, which aim is to construct a research model to measure the correlations between intellectual capital involved in the management of a supply chain and the results obtained from the implementation of green activities in a supply chain. This study is an attempt to deepen the subject related to the interplay of intellectual capital and Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM). The choice of the subject arises from: the research interests of the author, the fact that nowadays competition takes place on the level of supply chains, not on the level of individual companies and the awareness that there is a strong need to deepen the knowledge about intangible assets of companies in the context of improving environmental efficiency. The results obtained from green supply chain management depend on the level of intellectual capital development of companies. A developed IT system, an effective knowledge diffusion inside and outside of the organization, having certificates supporting supply chain management, a developed motivation system, long-term contracts with clients, a loyalty of suppliers and many more elements contributing to intellectual capital, probably facilitate the green supply management and simultaneously allows for obtaining better results in this area. The goal is to adopt the following hypothesis: H: The higher level of the development of intellectual capital (involved in supply chain management) is related to better results obtained through green activities implementation in a supply chain. The part of the questionnaire regarding intellectual capital consisted of 42 test items – 14 for each out of three types of capital. Regarding each test item, the respondents could mark one of the following answers: 2 (a declaration that the given element of capital included in the question is at a sufficient (high) level of development), 1 (a declaration that the given element of capital included in the question requires either implementation or development) or 3 (a declaration that the given element of capital included in the question doesn’t exists due to the characteristics of the company). As a result of the research we observed, among others, that the higher level of human capital is related to higher economic performance. In this article, we are also suggesting some new research directions with reference to Resource-Based View and Stakeholders Theory. On the basis of the obtained data, it can be claimed that companies, which have intellectual capital on a higher level obtain significantly better economic results in GSCM than companies, which have this capital on a lower level. For example, a well-developed training system, a motivation system, sharing non-codified knowledge, a huge experience of employees or limiting rotations of employees contributes to an easier implementation of green activities. The companies, which want to implement GSCM, should first verify the potential of such capital. Therefore, it seems that it is a critical point in the process of the implementation of green supply chains. Considering the relations of each type of capital, confirmed in numerous research, we can assume that relational and organizational capital have a meaning, but a secondary one. Human capital alone, in interaction with other types of capital improves significantly economic and marketing-logistic results.285-294enінтелектуальний капітал“зелений” ланцюг поставоккорпоративна соціальна відповідальністьланцюг поставокефекти інтелектуального капіталуintellectual capitalgreen supply chaincorporate social responsibilitysupply chain and the effects of intellectual capitalEconomic, environmental, marketing and logistic effects of intellectual capital resulting from the implementation of green supply chainsЕкономічні, екологічні, маркетингові і логістичні ефекти інтеллектуального капіталу в результаті імплементації “зелених” ланцюгів поставокArticle©Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”, 2017© Мариняк А., 20171065.012.34338.432Maryniak A. Economic, environmental, marketing and logistic effects of intellectual capital resulting from the implementation of green supply chains / A. Maryniak // Visnyk Natsionalnoho universytetu "Lvivska politekhnika". Serie: Lohistyka. — Lviv : Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 2017. — No 863. — P. 285–294.