Turylo, A. M.Kornukh, O. V.Турило, А. М.Корнух, О. В.2019-01-252019-01-252017-03-282017-03-28Турило А. М. Рычаг конкурентных преимуществ трансформационных процесов в контексте жизненного цикла и экономических выгод корпорации / А. М. Турило, О. В. Корнух // Вісник Національного університету “Львівська політехніка”. Серія: Менеджмент та підприємництво в Україні: етапи становлення і проблеми розвитку. — Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2017. — № 875. — С. 96–100. — (Менеджмент).https://ena.lpnu.ua/handle/ntb/43824Statement of the problem and its relevance. Understanding the complex processes of transformation, their content and conditions allows significantly increase the efficiency of innovation and economic development of any business entity. Priority and leadership in ensuring the transformation processes of enterprises, and especially their intellectual property, are way to the formation and preparation of the individual levers of competitive advantage from the transformation processes. Target of the study. To determine the period of non-competitive transformation during which ensured increase in the overall level of competitiveness of corporation and to obtain additional economic benefits. Main results of the study. The effect of transformation on the life cycle of an object that is transformed in the process of corporate development is shown on a conditional example. The attention is focused on the fact that the processes of transformation not only prolong, but also qualitatively increase the life cycles of the object (product, process) and the corporation as a whole. And, on the conditional example, the advantage of the corporation was determined as a result of the beginning of the transformation processes in its activity. Three stages of the transformation process in the corporation are presented. At the first stage, “weak” places are analyzed and identified in the process of innovation of the corporation and its technical and economic development. At the second stage, a prognosis of the innovative development of the corporation is developed taking into account the identified “weak” places which significantly affect the economy of the corporation. Under the identified “weak” places in the process of corporate innovation, taking into account the general vector of innovativeness of its development, possible variants and types of transformation processes are considered and justified (transformation of a certain object, product or process in the activities of a corporation). This is the third stage. The lever of competitive advantages from transformational processes or in other words the transformational lever of competitive advantages of the corporation (TLCAK) includes two main components in the general content: 1) period of non-competitive transformation (of a certain type); 2) level of quality (of a certain type) of the corporation transformation. TLCAK is a period of non-competitive transformation, during which an increase in the overall level of competitiveness of the corporation and obtaining additional economic benefits. Conclusions. The theoretical and methodological provisions and practical recommendations examined in this study allow for a more in-depth study of the transformation processes in the corporation and the development of a sound policy for managing these processes on this basis. They allow to evaluate the influence of transformation on the life cycle of an object that is transformed in the process of corporate development and to determine the advantages of the corporation as a result of the beginning of the implementation of the transformation processes in its activities.Заострено внимание на необходимости понимания влияния сложных процессов трансформации, управлении ими для обеспечения отдельных рычагов конкурентных преимуществ в условиях инновационного развития экономических систем разных уровней. Представлен условный пример влияния трансформации на жизненный цикл объекта, который трансформируется в процессе развития корпорации. Определена логика протекания процесса трансформации корпорации. Предложено определение “трансформационного рычага конкурентных преимуществ”.96-100rutransformationa competitive advantage competitive advantages transformational lever life cycle a corporationlevel of competitivenessтрансформацияконкурентное преимуществотрансформационный рычаг конкурентных преимуществжизненный цикл корпорацииуровень конкурентностиРычаг конкурентных преимуществ трансформационных процесов в контексте жизненного цикла и экономических выгод корпорацииThe lever of competitive advantages of transformation processes in the context of life cycle and economic benefits of corporationArticle© Національний університет „Львівська політехніка“, 2017© Турило А. М., Корнух О. В., 20175005.332.4-043.82332.012.324Turylo A. M. The lever of competitive advantages of transformation processes in the context of life cycle and economic benefits of corporation / A. M. Turylo, O. V. Kornukh // Visnyk Natsionalnoho universytetu "Lvivska politekhnika". Serie: Menedzhment ta pidpryiemnytstvo v Ukraini: etapy stanovlennia i problemy rozvytku. — Lviv : Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 2017. — No 875. — P. 96–100. — (Menedzhment).