Lutsyk YaroslavLikhnovsky IhorRiznyk AnastasiiaSzlachta Anna2022-11-152022-11-152022Lutsyk Ya. Acoustic thermometry of temperature distribution in fuel rods at the design stage / Yaroslav Lutsyk, Ihor Likhnovsky, Anastasiia Riznyk, Anna Szlachta // Measuring Equipment and Metrology : scientific journal. – Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2022. – Volume 83, № 1. – Р. 24–28. – Bibliography: 6 titles. the stage of design and testing of fuel rods for reactors that must operate in complex temperature and mechanical conditions, it is important to establish the maximum allowable temperature regimes, in particular the temperature istribution along the fuel rods. An ultrasonic control seems to be one of the possible non-destructive methods for assessing product quality. We consider the ultrasonic devices to monitor operational temperature modes of fuel rods and can propose the pulsed multi-zone thermometers as the optimal type.enAcoustic thermometry of temperature distribution in fuel rods at the design stageArticle