Shynkaruk, ViraLevyk, Zoriana2018-04-252018-04-252017-06-082017-06-08Shynkaruk V. Canadianisms as a distinctive feature of Canadian territorial variety of English / Vira Shynkaruk, Zoriana Levyk // Людина. Комп’ютер. Комунікація : збірник наукових праць. — Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2017. — С. 28–31. — (1. Моделювання лінгвальних явищ і новітні інформаційні технології).978-966-941-072-6 article highlights some distinctive lexical features of Canadian territorial variety of English. It pays attention to preconditions and factors which influenced its development. It also provides examples of unique words that do not occur in any other variety of English. Besides, a list of loan words from British and American English is given, as well as some words of French origin. The main task of the article is an attempt to classify Canadianisms according to the specific environment in which they are used.28-31ukCanadianismborrowed wordsspeech varietydialectvocabularylexical itemCanadianisms as a distinctive feature of Canadian territorial variety of EnglishArticle© Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”, 20174Shynkaruk V. Canadianisms as a distinctive feature of Canadian territorial variety of English / Vira Shynkaruk, Zoriana Levyk // Liudyna. Kompiuter. Komunikatsiia : zbirnyk naukovykh prats. — Lviv : Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 2017. — P. 28–31. — (1. Modeliuvannia linhvalnykh yavyshch i novitni informatsiini tekhnolohii).