Sukach, M.2014-02-252014-02-252013Sukach M. Ukraine’s prospects in development of marine mineral deposits / M. Sukach // Econtechmod : an international quarterly journal on economics in technology, new technologies and modelling processes. – Lublin ; Rzeszow, 2013. – Volum 2, number 2. – P. 47–50. – Bibliography: 11 titles. is shown that the known reserves of ma¬rine minerals, including polymetallic nodules hydrates, marine sapropels, etc., will last the humanity for thousands of years. International cooperation and broad cooperation of companies and enterprises of maritime mining are needed to conduct the search, along with research and operation of deep mining complexes. This will allow us to prepare for the commercial development of marine deposits of mineral and energy resources in the near future.enoffshore fieldsmineralsgas hydratesmarine sapropelbiofuelsmining complexesUkraine’s prospects in development of marine mineral depositsArticle