Romanyshyn, N.2014-11-102014-11-102006Romanyshyn N. Evaluative speech act within the intrasubjective communication / N. Romanyshyn // Computer science and information technologies: proceedings of the international conference (September 28th-30th, Lviv, Ukraine) / Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Computer Science and Information Technologies. – Lviv, 2006. – P. 195–196.– Bibliography: 13 titles.UDC 81’367+811’367 paper treats of the peculiarity of semantic and pragmatic meaning of the evaluative speech acts realized in the form of inner monoloque.. It focuses on the problem of correlation between the participants of communicative act and the components of the evaluative utterance semantic structure.enintrasubjective communicationevaluative speech actcommunicative actEvaluative speech act within the intrasubjective communicationArticle