Курдина, ЮліяKurdyna, Yulia2020-02-262020-02-262019-02-262019-02-26Курдина Ю. Мистецтво Майдану як джерело наповнення Музею Революції Гідност / Юлія Курдина // Historical and Cultural Studies. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2019. — Vol 6. — No 1. — P. 55–60.https://ena.lpnu.ua/handle/ntb/46099У статті здійснено спробу проаналізувати окремі художні проекти, створені під час Майдану: щитопис, Страйк Плакат, Барбакан. Увагу акцентовано на закономірностях між цими мистецькими виявами та ідеєю створення абсолютного нового меморіального комплексу, який включатиме місця пам`яті та музей Революції Гідності. Усі ці мистецькі ініціативи розглянуто як джерела наповнення нового музею.The paper presents an attempt to analyze certain art projects created during the Maidan Revolution: shields painting, Strike Poster, a barbican. The emphasis is placed on a cause-and-effect relationship between all these pieces of art and the idea of creating an entirely new memorial complex, which will include sites of commemoration and the Revolution of Dignity Museum. All these artist-run initiatives are considered as the sources of filling of the new museum. The artistic works during the Revolution of Dignity are undoubtedly interesting and educational for the descendants. The events taking place at the time made artists illustrate the new aspects of their talent. Needless to say that such actions like shields painting and single pictures, posters, graffiti etc. were also certain symbols of the Maidan Revolution. Public activists and museum workers, who during the Revolution were trying to collect and preserve such things, back at that time, understood the significance of the events and the memory of them. Not unsurprisingly, back in 2014 several groups declared a need in creating the Freedom Museum or the Maidan Museum. The unification of these initiatives and the engagement of state authorities in them has produced the idea of creating a new space of the National Memorial Complex of Heroes of Heavenly Hundred – the Museum of the Revolution of Dignity. Today this complex is functioning in an online environment. However, its workers are implementing several projects and exhibitions, which are taking place in the locations provided by the partner institutions. Obviously, a major part of the exhibits consists particularly of posters, painted shields, pictures and colorful helmets created on Maidan. Through the example of the Maidan Museum and artist-run initiatives, it can be clearly seen how modern art has at once become a part of the history. The same part of the history also includes photography projects, sculptures, documentaries etc. created during the Revolution of Dignity. And once again in Ukrainian history it is confirmed that artists are quite the rebels and justice fighters.55-60ukмузеймистецтвохудожникиМайданРеволюція ГідностіініціативиmuseumartartistsMaidanthe Revolution of DignityinitiativesМистецтво Майдану як джерело наповнення Музею Революції ГідностThe art of Maidan as the source of Filling the revolution of dignity museumArticle© Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”, 2019© Курдина Юлія, 2019694 (477-25)323]725.945069Kurdyna Y. The art of Maidan as the source of Filling the revolution of dignity museum / Yulia Kurdyna // Historical and Cultural Studies. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2019. — Vol 6. — No 1. — P. 55–60.