Dziuban, Е.2017-07-202017-07-202003Dziuban Е. Neural network aided diagnosis based on temperature at a cup uncture points / Е. Dziuban // Вимірювальна техніка та метрологія : міжвідомчий науково-технічний збірник / Міністерство освіти і науки України ; відповідальний редактор Б. І. Стадник. – Львів : Видавництво Національного університету «Львівської політехніка», 2003. – Випуск 63. – C. 158–160. – Bibliography: 6 titles. of applying of neural networks (NN) for diagnosing “an out of order” state of organism is described in this paper. The aim of research was to obtain a tooI supporting a medical diagnosis. Data set used in the research included temperature values, which were measured at selected acupuncture points (AP) of both healthy and ill persons. Research has been concerned with a structure of neural network and preparing a learning set. Preliminary results revealed the correct recognition of 81 % for category ill and 62 % for category healthy.enNeural network aided diagnosis based on temperature at a cup uncture pointsArticle