Jordanov, Nikola StefanovAndonova, Anna StoynovaAtanasova, Natasha Georgieva2018-08-282018-08-282002Jordanov N. S. Reliability improvement in consequence of investigation PCB silver electrochemical migrations / Nikola Stefanov Jordanov, Anna Stoynova Andonova, Natasha Georgieva Atanasova // Вісник Національного університету "Львівська політехніка". – 2002. – № 458 : Елементи теорії та прилади твердотілої електроніки. – С. 138–144. – Bibliography: 4 titles. for a compromise between high functionality and convenient and effective materials the silver has got many proved and achievements qualities for PCB. The main problem in using as a constructive materials its high disposition of migration. The investigation of a concrete type of migration between silver conductors is the goal of the paper. For this purpose an investigation techniques is presented to qualifying PCB structures. Some test structures are designed and produced and experimental results are results are analyzed.enSilver electrochemicalmigrationElectrochemistyConductive filmsReliabilityFailure analysisMultichip modulesReliability improvement in consequence of investigation PCB silver electrochemical migrationsArticle© Nikola Stefanov Jordanov, Anna Stoynova Andonova, Natasha Georgieva Atanasova, 2002138–144