Chernysh, YelizavetaPlyatsuk, LeonidGabbassova, Sabina2019-03-252019-03-252018-02-012018-02-01Chernysh Y. Environmental biochemical analysis of sulfur compound transformation of natural and technogenic genesis / Yelizaveta Chernysh, Leonid Plyatsuk, Sabina Gabbassova // Environmental Problems. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2018. — Vol 3. — No 2. — P. 115–120. and biochemical analysis of transformations of sulfur compounds of natural and technogenic genesis is carried out in the article. Biochemical analysis was based on metabolic models of bacteria Thiobacillus sp., Acidithiobacillus sp. etc. and the study of ecological trophic groups of microorganisms using the KEGG database to establish the regularities of sulfur transformations produced using secondary raw materials. The ways of attracting bacterially transformed sulfur by plant systems as an environmentally safe direction for improving S-nutrition in the ecosystem were determined.115-120enecological and biochemical analysissulfur compoundsmetabolic modelsagro-ecosystemsecondary raw materialsEnvironmental biochemical analysis of sulfur compound transformation of natural and technogenic genesisArticle© Національний університет „Львівська політехніка“, 2018© Chernysh Yе., Plyatsuk L., Gabbassova S., 20186Chernysh Y. Environmental biochemical analysis of sulfur compound transformation of natural and technogenic genesis / Yelizaveta Chernysh, Leonid Plyatsuk, Sabina Gabbassova // Environmental Problems. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2018. — Vol 3. — No 2. — P. 115–120.