Терлецька, В. О.Terletska, V.2021-01-272021-01-272020-02-242020-02-24Терлецька В. О. Моделі державної підтримки розвитку венчурного бізнесу у світі / В. О. Терлецька // Вісник Національного університету “Львівська політехніка”. Серія: Проблеми економіки та управління. — Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2020. — № 2(6). — С. 86–93.https://ena.lpnu.ua/handle/ntb/56056Досліджено, проаналізовано та оцінено моделі державної підтримки розвитку венчурного бізнесу в світі. Описано та охарактеризовано американську та європейську моделі. Визначено їхні особливості, досліджено спільні та відмінні риси, переваги і недоліки. Розглянуто національні програми розвитку венчурного бізнесу за американською та європейською моделями. Описано категорії в контексті моделей державної підтримки розвитку венчурного бізнесу в світі. Виявлено тенденції та динамічні характеристики венчурного бізнесу. Розглянуто засоби стимулювання розвитку венчурного бізнесу за вищевказаними моделями. Досліджено особливості венчурного бізнесу і в Україні. Визначено можливості та перешкоди для розвитку. Виявлено потребу в активізації державної підтримки розвитку венчурного бізнесу в Україні.According to the theoretical and practical researches for the formation and implementation of models of state regulation of the venture capital in the world, the leading role in the economy of this century belongs to the economic systems of a qualitatively new technological level, in which intellectual resources play an important role. Therefore, governments develop innovation policies to ensure the intensification of the innovation and increase the perception of the economy to the innovation processes. There is fierce competition in the global market for global competitive advantages in conditions of the dynamic and variable environment operation between advanced countries such as the United States, Japan and Western Europe, based on the formation of global competitive advantage through the intensification of the scientific and innovative activities. In such conditions becomes important development of the venture activity, which specializes in researching, engineering, creation and implementation of innovations that associated with a high degree of risk. Venture business is one of the most important components of the innovation process and is a promising mechanism for economic stabilization of the state. Venture business is associated with the priority development of high-tech and risky industries of economy. Leading countries have been confirmed the efficiency and effectiveness of venture business, so it is advisable to develop venture business in Ukraine. Venture capital can become one of the alternative sources of the financing and business development in Ukraine, an effective source of financial support for scientific developments and their transformation into a competitive product, which is extremely important for the foreign trade in in Ukraine on the path to European integration. Models of state regulation of the venture activity development are a set of means, methods and measures of state stimulation of the venture activity in the country. Research, analysis and evaluation of the foreign experience allow to identify a various models of development of the venture business in order to identify effective and apply to achieve competitiveness. Today there are two models of the venture financing. These are American and European models. They are fundamentally different. The differences are the role of the state in innovation processes, the list of sectors financing and the venture capital objects. The models of the state support of the venture business development in the world have been investigated, analysed and evaluated in article. American and European models have been described and characterized. Their features are defined. The general and distinctive features, advantages and disadvantages this models have been investigated. National programs of the venture business development according to American and European models have been considered. In models in context of state support of the venture business development in the world the categories have been described. Trends and dynamic characteristics of the venture business have been revealed. Means of stimulating the development of the venture business according to the above models have been considered. The peculiarities of the venture business in Ukraine have been studied. Opportunities and obstacles to the development of the venture business in Ukraine have been identified. The need to intensify state support for development of the venture business in Ukraine has been identified.86-93ukвенчурний бізнесдержавна підтримка розвитку венчурного бізнесумоделі державної підтримки розвитку венчурного бізнесуventure businessstate support of the venture business developmentmodels of state support of the venture business developmentМоделі державної підтримки розвитку венчурного бізнесу у світіModels of state support venture business development in the worldArticle© Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”, 2020© Терлецька В. О., 20208doi.org/10.23939/semi2020.02.086F12J49330.322330.131.7Terletska V. Models of state support venture business development in the world / V. Terletska // Visnyk Natsionalnoho universytetu "Lvivska politekhnika". Serie: Problemy ekonomiky ta upravlinnia. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2020. — No 2(6). — P. 86–93.