Шебек, Н. М.Shebek, N. M.2020-05-202020-05-202019-03-202019-03-20Шебек Н. М. Теорія гармонізації архітектурного середовища: передумови формування і орієнтири розвитку / Н. М. Шебек // Вісник Національного університету “Львівська політехніка”. Серія: Архітектура. — Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2019. — Том 1. — № 2s. — С. 102–108.https://ena.lpnu.ua/handle/ntb/49919Окреслено причини утворення нового розділу теорії архітектури, названо наукові праці, що сформували його фундамент, розглянуто мету, об’єкт, суб’єкт, предмет, концепт, завдання, структуру та стратегічні напрями розвитку теорії гармонізації архітектурного середовища.The article defines the reasons for creating a new chapter of the theory of architecture, names scientific works which formed its ground, reviews the aim, objective, subject, object, concept, tasks, structure and strategic development directions of theory of harmonization of architectural environment. The appearance of a new separate direction of architectural and urban planning science, dedicated to researching the peculiarities of formation and harmonious development of environment of a person’s everyday life by means of urban planning, architecture and design, is determined, on the one hand, by the necessity of the theoretical generalization of ideas about an integral system of objects and phenomena of both material and spiritual culture, which is created due to a purposeful activity of a person and is developed in accordance with the evolutionary laws of nature and society, and, on the other hand, by the need for coordination of the effort of the scholars who research various aspects of the problem of architectural environment improvement. The theoretical background of a new branch of architectural and urban planning science has been made by the works of architects, geographers, philosophers, psychologists, founders of socionics, tectology, urban synergetics, experts on systematology and some other interdisciplinary directions of research. The aim of the theory of harmonization of architectural environment lies in finding, generalizing and explaining the deep reasons for evolutionary and natural environment transformations and in predicting the consequences of its transformations under the influence of a purposeful activity of a person and a society. The object of the attention of the theory of harmonization of architectural environment are environmental formations of various types and their natural connections; with the subject – people and community which appear as an impulse force of any changes in artificial environment; with the object – harmonious development of living space; and finally, with the concept and meaningful result – the mechanisms of a conscious choice of the most proper surrounding states out of all accessible ones at a certain time and in a certain place. The following ones are among the leading tasks of a new chapter in the theory of architecture: deepening the understanding of the phenomenon of an architectural environment; researching the interdependences between the typical features of the subjects of environmental activity and the parameters of a connected with them surrounding; extending the limits of understanding harmonious environment, rules of its formation and transformation; and finally, establishing the correspondence between the qualities of architectural environment and the character of functional processes, which it is dedicated for. Relatively autonomous but system-connected chapters of a new research direction correspond to the main tasks of the theory of harmonization of architectural environment. The mentioned chapters are the following ones: environmental morphology dedicated to researching the principles of constructing environmental objects and environmental systems; architectural socionics, directed at studying the preconditions and means of achieving a harmonious correspondence between the types of subjects of environmental activity and types of architectural environment; environmental axiology, meant to systematize the values which various people and communities connect with the harmonious arrangement of the environment; and environmental praxeology, directed at finding the ways of effective organization of human activity in architectural environment. Strategic directions of the development of the theory of harmonization of architectural environment are connected with an increase of the role of philosophical grounding of various aspects of environmental activity; wit the improvement of methodological apparatus of analysis and evaluation of morphological, socioncs, axiology and praxeology characteristics of artificial environment; with expanding the limits of historical researches, directed at finding the constant regularities of evolutionary development and a potential of architectural environment; with designing and implementation of new methods of research, modelling, experimental designing of environmental formations and predicting their most probable changes in the future102-108ukархітектурне середовищегармонізаціягармонійний розвитокarchitectural environmentharmonizationharmonious developmentТеорія гармонізації архітектурного середовища: передумови формування і орієнтири розвиткуThe theory of harmonization of architectural environment: preconditions of forming and development guidelinesArticle© Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”, 2019© Шебек Н. М., 2019772.013Shebek N. M. The theory of harmonization of architectural environment: preconditions of forming and development guidelines / N. M. Shebek // Visnyk Natsionalnoho universytetu "Lvivska politekhnika". Serie: Arkhitektura. — Lviv : Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 2019. — Vol 1. — No 2s. — P. 102–108.