Alekseyev, I.Khoma, I.Shpak, N.2014-02-252014-02-252013Alekseyev I. Modelling of an impact of investment maintenance on the condition of economic protectability of industrial enterprises / I. Alekseyev, I. Khoma, N. Shpak // Econtechmod : an international quarterly journal on economics in technology, new technologies and modelling processes. – Lublin ; Rzeszow, 2013. – Volum 2, number 2. – P. 3–8. – Bibliography: 21 titles. was substantiated the necessity of im¬plementation of a modelling of an impact of investment mainte¬nance on the condition of economic protectability of industrial enterprises with the participation of estimation of cost of investments and investment projects, the mechanism of purchase and sale of securities and conclusion of option contracts that allows to rationally manage the profitability of investment programs, fully ensuring the protectability of entrepreneurship of each subject of real sector of economics.enprocesses of investinginvestment activitiesindustrial enterpriseseconomic protectabilityvaluation of investment projectsoption contractsModelling of an impact of investment maintenance on the condition of economic protectability of industrial enterprisesArticle