Lytvynenko, Julia2019-10-312019-10-312019-04-182019-04-18Lytvynenko J. Identify of the substantive, attribute, and verb collocations in russian text / Julia Lytvynenko // Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2019. — Vol 2 : Proceedings of the 3nd International conference, COLINS 2019. Workshop, Kharkiv, Ukraine, April 18-19, 2019. — P. 66–68. — (Student section).2523-4013 article describes methods and existing libraries for POS-tagging and collocations extraction, using NLP technologies, processing natural language text in the Python programming language. In addition, it describes one of the possible methods for the selection of collocations for a given pattern.66-68enPOS-taggingPythoncollocationcorpus linguisticscollocations extractionmorphological markingcomputer linguisticsintellectual technologiesIdentify of the substantive, attribute, and verb collocations in russian textArticle© 2019 for the individual papers by the papers’ authors. Copying permitted only for private and academic purposes. This volume is published and copyrighted by its editors.3Lytvynenko J. Identify of the substantive, attribute, and verb collocations in russian text / Julia Lytvynenko // Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems. — Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2019. — Vol 2 : Proceedings of the 3nd International conference, COLINS 2019. Workshop, Kharkiv, Ukraine, April 18-19, 2019. — P. 66–68. — (Student section).