Погранична, І. І.Pohranychna, I.2018-05-022018-05-022017-03-282017-03-28Погранична І. І. Архітектурні особливості палацових комплексів авторства Якуба Кубицького кін. XVIII – поч. ХІХ ст. / І. І. Погранична // Вісник Національного університету «Львівська політехніка». Серія: Архітектура. — Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2017. — № 878. — С. 124–130.https://ena.lpnu.ua/handle/ntb/40940Статтю присвячено творчості відомого польського архітектора Якуба Кубицького, який працював у кін. XVIII – на поч. ХІХ ст. на території Польщі та України, а саме на території історичної Волині (сучасних Тернопільській та Хмельницькій областях). Творчий почерк дозволив зодчому зайняти місце почесного архітектора садибного будівництва і бути автором дев’яти унікальних об’єктів на цій території. На формування стилю архітектора вплинули його наставник Доменіко Мерліні та Палладіанська школа загалом. У його роботах також можна побачити вплив загальносвітових канонів класицистичної забудови палацових комплексів. В основі стилю лежить чітка осьова композиція, симетрія, двотрактова композиція планів палаців, використання військової емблематики в оздобленні фасадів.The paper concentrates on the oeuvre of famous Polish architect Jakub Kubicki who worked in the late XVIII- the early XIX centuries within the territory of Poland and Ukraine, namely within the territory of historical Volyn (of modern-day Ternopil and Khmelnytsk regions). The idiom allowed the masterbuilder to take the place of honored architect of manor house construction and to be the author of nine unique facilities within the territory of Volyn. Style of the architect was influenced by global canons of classicistic development of palace complexes as well as by his tutor Domenik Merlini and the Palladian school in general. For a short time Jakub Kubicki had been working together with architect Szymon Bogumił Zug. In 1783 he, as the ambassador of Polish king Stanislaw August, together with his brother went to Italy to study. He came back to Poland in 1786, where he worked as an architect. In 1791 he obtained the rank of gentleman as the recognition of his services. After the partition of Poland he took a position of chief executive construction officer. Jakub Kubicki is the author of such well-known complexes within the territory of Poland as palaces in Radziejowice (1802), in Bejsce (1802), in Plawowice (1804), in Mlochow (1806), of Belweder palace in Warsaw (1824). Upon the projects of Polish architect Jakub Kubicki (1758–1833) there were built the palace complexes not only within the territory of Poland but also within the territory of Ukraine. Palace in Maliivka village (a collaborative work of Jakub Kubicki and Domenik Merlini) is particularly noteworthy. The palace came out in a style of the early French classicism and as its basis there was taken the classicistic concept of architect A.Palladio using the style of French residences of Louis the Sixteenth-era. Residences in Samchyky village (1814), in Ladyhy village (1830) and in Illiashivka village (1820) of Khmelnytsk region are also unique monuments of palace construction. These palace and park architectural complexes were created as complete unit; they are characterized by more expressive stylistic unity, and, as a rule, by compositional finality. Generally, we can say that Jakub Kubicki is a prominent representative of European classicistic architecture. But, besides general classicistic features, his structures had a set of features, namely a well-defined symmetry of panes was decorated with massive porticos with colonnade; two-passage-in plan palaces were expanded with risalit projections; classic made-to-order elements were decorated with sculptures; in architectural elements the ordinary geometrical configurations were combined with military emblems; tympans of frontons were loaded with a sculpture with cartouches and military elements. The living-room with cloister vault decorated with recherché plasterwork was themain decoration of the palaces. The building of palace, as a rule, was situated in highland area, and living-room exit door demonstrated picturesque waterbodyscape, which always completed the general composition of palace complexes. Interior environment of the palaces has not been studied enough, only written sources tell about their exceptional luxury. Nowadays only a little number of palace complexes of the authorship of Jakub Kubicki has survived to the present day. A part of them survived only in the form of ruins. The remains of these ruins are of a great architectural and art value. Their mysterious forms attract tourists.124-130ukархітектурні особливостікласицизмпалацовий комплекстворчий методЯкуб Кубицькийarchitectural featuresclassicismpalace complexcreative methodJakub KubickiАрхітектурні особливості палацових комплексів авторства Якуба Кубицького кін. XVIII – поч. ХІХ ст.Architectural features of palace complexes of the authorship of Jakub Kubicki of the late XVIII – the early XIX centuriesArticle© Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”, 2017© Погранична І. І., 20177726.3(477.4)Pohranychna I. Architectural features of palace complexes of the authorship of Jakub Kubicki of the late XVIII – the early XIX centuries / I. Pohranychna // Visnyk Natsionalnoho universytetu "Lvivska politekhnika". Serie: Arkhitektura. — Lviv : Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 2017. — No 878. — P. 124–130.