Tarasov, D.Andrukhiv, A.Тарасов, Д.Андрухів, А.2014-11-102014-11-102006Tarasov D. Algorithms of the corporate information system’s protection analyses / D. Tarasov, A. Andrukhiv // Computer science and information technologies: proceedings of the international conference (September 28th-30th, Lviv, Ukraine) / Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Computer Science and Information Technologies. – Lviv, 2006. – P. 178–183.– Bibliography: 9 titles.UDC 004.056https://ena.lpnu.ua/handle/ntb/25049The tasks and methods of protection corporate information systems audit are considered. The modern algorithms of estimation conducting of protection of corporate informative systems are analysed, in particular RiskWatch, CRAMM, GRIF. Considered algorithms give the possibilities to evaluate the effectiveness of protection information measures taking into consideration the information security expences towards the evident risks of information security policy violation.enAlgorithms of the corporate information system’s protection analysesArticle