Косар, Н. С.Яричевська, Я. І.Kosar, N. S.Yarychevska, Ya. I.2023-09-142023-09-142005-03-012005-03-01Косар Н. С. Дослідження галузі металопластикових вікон України та напрями активізації їх виробниками інтернет-технологій / Н. С. Косар, Я. І. Яричевська // Менеджмент та підприємництво в Україні: етапи становлення і проблеми розвитку. — Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2022. — Том 4. — № 1. — С. 99–114.https://ena.lpnu.ua/handle/ntb/60032У роботі подано результати дослідження вітчизняного ринку металопластикових віконних конструкцій, його ключових характеристик, проведено аналіз галузі металопластикових віконних конструкцій за моделлю М. Портера. Проаналізовано діяльність найбільш відомих вітчизняних і закордонних підприємств-виробників та продавців металопластикових вікон в мережі Інтернет та у соціальних мережах, а також розроблено рекомендації щодо збільшення пізнаваності виробників металопластикових віконних конструкцій у мережі Інтернет, зростання рівня лояльності клієнтів до них, отримання конкурентних переваг за рахунок ведення сторінок в Інтернеті та у соціальних мережах.The industry of metal-plastic window structures is quite developed: this product is popular in many countries of the world. In Ukraine, the window market is growing relatively slowly compared to previous years, by 2019 and the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, there was a market growth of 5-7 %. The growth rate and development of the market depend significantly on the dynamics of construction, which is negatively affected by the bureaucratization of the process of obtaining permits (for construction or reconstruction). The development of the industry is also hampered by the unstable economic and political situation in the country, which is one of the reasons for the lack of investment. The industry relies heavily on suppliers and legal entities of consumers, the level of competition in the industry is intense. The market is import-oriented, but in recent years, Ukrainian enterprises have been investing in the development of production and strengthening their positions in the market. A competitive advantage in the industry can be the manufacture of goods taking into account the individual requirements of consumers. Important factors are also the width of the range, prices for goods, speed of manufacture, prompt delivery of goods to any region of Ukraine, provision of installation services, professionalism of employees, effective quality control. Due to the constant intensification of competition in the market, companies for the production and sale of metal-plastic window profiles need to constantly increase their presence on the Internet, in particular through websites and social networks. The article analyzes the websites of four manufacturers and sellers of window metal-plastic structures, including two subsidiaries of foreign companies (VEKA Ukraine LLC and Rehau LLC) and two Ukrainian companies (Miroplast LLC and Viknar’off LLC). The analysis was carried out by the following parameters: clarity of the interface, ease of navigation, the assortment of the site, availability, and exhaustiveness of the submitted information about the product, availability of third-party advertising, availability, and type of feedback from the company’s employee, the presence of a formed UTP (unique trading offer), the complexity of the process of forming an order basket, conditions, and payment methods, delivery conditions, multifunctionality of the site purpose. Each parameter is given weight and a weighted assessment. According to the results of the assessment, the best websites of the companies TD «Viknar`off» LLC and «VEKA Ukraine» LLC are determined and it is on them that manufacturers and sellers of metal-plastic window structures should be guided when creating their own websites. Recommendations were also provided on generalized measures to improve the company’s activities in the production and sale of metal-plastic windows on the Internet, namely, improving the web page, improving SEO strategy, improving SMM strategy, in particular, content plans, and other areas of improving Internet communications. For effective operation of the company on the network, it is necessary not only to create and fill the website, but also to maintain at a high level the efficiency of its functioning, namely, to create and adhere to an SEO strategy, as well as constantly update and improve it following the response of the audience and, most importantly, updates to the ranking rules in search engines. Together with the SEO strategy of page promotion, it is also important to develop the SMM strategy of the company, namely, to communicate thoughtfully and effectively with the audience in social networks.99-114ukринок металопластикових віконних конструкцій Україниметалопластикові вікнаПВХ-профілімодель Портерацифровий маркетингІнтернет-технологіївебсайтmarket of metal-plastic window structures of Ukrainemetal-plastic windowsPVC profilesPorter’s modeldigital marketingInternet technologieswebsiteДослідження галузі металопластикових вікон України та напрями активізації їх виробниками інтернет-технологійResearch of the metal-plastic window industry of Ukraine and directions of activation of them by manufacturers of internet technologiesArticle© Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”, 2022© Косар Н. С., Яричевська Я. І., 202216doi.org/10.23939/smeu2022.01.099658.8338Kosar N. S. Research of the metal-plastic window industry of Ukraine and directions of activation of them by manufacturers of internet technologies / N. S. Kosar, Ya. I. Yarychevska // Management and Entrepreneurship in Ukraine: the stages of formation and problems of development. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2022. — Vol 4. — No 1. — P. 99–114.