Сидорко, ІгорSydorko, Igor2018-11-142018-11-142017-03-282017-03-28Сидорко І. Формування позитивної корпоративної культури організацій / Ігор Сидорко // Вимірювальна техніка та метрологія : міжвідомчий науково-технічний збірник. — Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2017. — Том 78. — С. 118–123.https://ena.lpnu.ua/handle/ntb/42981Розглянуто різні підходи до визначення корпоративної культури організації. Розкрито основні функції та етапи її розвитку. Висвітлено проблеми формування сучасної стратегії корпоративної культури організації та ключові напрями її реалізації в Україні.In the process of functioning of the organization there are not predictable situations, the result of which is the uncertainty of further strategic development. At the same time, most organizations are experiencing processes for the formation of new rules, procedures and standards of conduct. In other words, we are talking about the formation of a corporate culture. At the same time, the latter is an effective form of adaptation of the organization to the new conditions of management. In this context, it should be noted that the effectiveness of the organization’s business determines the spectrum of factors, according to the differentiated nature of the generation. However, in any organization creates an appropriate environment for close interaction between the participants in corporate relations. Corporate culture contributes to the development and achievement of the organization’s strategic goals and objectives. In addition, in modern organizations, it acquires fundamentally new features, which involves changes in the culture of management. An important problem in corporate culture is the study of scientific views on it and the use of universal approaches to its analysis, which involves the development of corporate strategy. This will allow the micro-level to qualitatively explore the corporate culture, effectively monitor and regulate the internal and external environment of the organization. This will depart from the inappropriate corporate culture of subordination and promote the establishment of effective management of the organization. The most productive is the consideration of corporate culture in relation to the ownership structure, namely: an analysis of the organization’s culture as the relationship between the owners with their particular managerial actions and the hired worker. At the same time, the problem of identifying the mechanisms existing in organizations that leaders at all levels promote their ideas in order to obtain the necessary results, as well as ensuring stability, is important. An analysis of foreign practice shows that organizations, whose activities are based on corporate culture, work especially efficiently. Regarding Ukraine, unfortunately corporate management is not given proper attention. In today’s conditions, corporate culture in our country is in critical condition, which once again confirms the relevance of its research. This will allow qualitative substantiation of expediency of actions on realization of administrative corporate decisions in order to increase the effectiveness of management of the organization. The formation of a positive corporate culture that supports the organization’s strategy is important for the success of the tasks, because culture forms the socio-psychological climate and corporate spirit that contribute to the accomplishment of the tasks and contribute to success. Corporate culture is determined by the basis of what and how the organization’s activities are carried out: what are the values and beliefs that they follow the leadership, which philosophy underlies key policies, which traditions the organization adheres to, the ethical norms that are mandatory for all , and what is the moral situation. Culture thus reflects the atmosphere in the organization and the style of its work. Bearing in mind that corporate culture is just a management tool and it can not be perfect, it should be noted that corporate culture, in order to be effective, must always support the mission, goals and specific strategy of organization development. At the same time, the purpose of the combination of mission and culture is long-term, leading to maximum results, while the changes made in the corporate culture, require a high degree of competence from the management of the organization. The more organization, the more significant new beliefs, the more time it takes to build a close relationship between mission and culture. In large organizations significant changes in corporate culture take from 3 to 5 years. In reality, it is much more difficult to change the existing corporate culture than to create new persuasion in the newly created organization.Рассматрено различные подходы к определению корпоративной культуры организации. Раскрыто основные функции и этапы ее развития. Освещено проблемы формирования современной стратегии корпоративной культуры организации и ключевые направления ее реализации в Украине.118-123ukорганізаціякорпоративна культурастратегіянові стилі управлінняorganizationorganizational culturestrategynew style managementорганизациякорпоративная культурастратегияновые стили управленияФормування позитивної корпоративної культури організаційFormation of positive corporate culture of organizationArticle© Національний університет „Львівська політехніка“, 2017© Сидорко Ігор, 20176389.14006.354Sydorko I. Formation of positive corporate culture of organization / Igor Sydorko // Vymiriuvalna tekhnika ta metrolohiia : mizhvidomchyi naukovo-tekhnichnyi zbirnyk. — Lviv : Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 2017. — Vol 78. — P. 118–123.