Baranovska ZhannaBasyuk Taras2022-10-212022-10-212022Baranovska Zh. Information system providing recommendations for the pets care / Zhanna Baranovska, Taras Basyuk // Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems. – Lviv, 2022. – Volume 2 : Proceedings of the 6nd International conference, COLINS 2022. Workshop, Gliwice, Poland, May 12–13, 2022. – P. 146–148. – URL: (дата звернення: 21.10.2022). – Bibliography: 3 titles. article analyzes the well-known systems providing recommendations for the pets care, shows their shortcomings and reflects the relevance of this task. A systematic analysis of the subject area and its designing using a structural approach were carried out. The existing software tools, that can be used to solve this problem, were analyzed. An information system providing recommendations for the pets care has been developed and its work has been verified.enInformation system providing recommendations for the pets careArticle