Zholobko, OksanaTarnavchyk, IgorDemchuk, ZorianaVoronov, AndriyBudishevska, OlhaVoronov, Stanislav2015-04-152015-04-152013Polyoxyethylene containing chitosan derivatives for the development of hydrogels / Oksana Zholobko, Igor Tarnavchyk, Zoriana Demchuk., Andriy Voronov, Olha Budishevska, Stanislav Voronov // Хімія та хімічні технології : матеріали IІI Міжнародної конференції молодих вчених CCT-2013, 21–23 листопада 2013 року, Україна, Львів / Національний університет "Львівська політехніка". – Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013. – С. 14–17. – (4-й Міжнародний молодіжний фестиваль науки "Litteris et Artibus"). – Bibliography: 4 titles.https://ena.lpnu.ua/handle/ntb/26872Polyoxyethylene containing derivatives of succinic acid (2SA-PEG) have been synthesized via the acylation of polyethylene glycols with succinic anhydride. Water-soluble chitosan derivatives and films based on them have been obtained through the interaction between 2SA-PEG and chitosan (CS). Water-insoluble films have been developed via crosslinking during thermal treatment of the products of the interaction between 2SA-PEG and chitosan. The films form hydrogels after swelling in water. The hydrogel films, filled with rhodamine G and malachite green dyes, are capable of prolonged releasing them into an aqueous medium.enchitosanpolyoxyethylene containing chitosan derivativesreagentless stitching of chitosanpH-sensitive hydrogelsPolyoxyethylene containing chitosan derivatives for the development of hydrogelsArticle