Molkov, YuriyIvanyts’kyi, YaroslavLenkovs’kyi, TarasTrostianchyn, AndriyKulyk, VolodymyrShyshkovskyy, Roman2020-05-112020-05-112019-03-202019-03-20Experimental determination of critical strain energy density of ductile materials / Yuriy Molkov, Yaroslav Ivanyts’kyi, Taras Lenkovs’kyi, Andriy Trostianchyn, Volodymyr Kulyk, Roman Shyshkovskyy // Ukrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2019. — Vol 5. — No 1. — P. 39–44. method of experimental determination of strain energy density of plastic materials is developed. The technique for complete true stress-strain curves plotting is formulated. The standard hydraulic testing machine is equipped with specially designed experimental setup for Bridgman specimens testing at strain controlled tension loading with digital camera and light source for using digital image correlation method – a non-contact technique for strain and displacement measurement. The digital image correlation method was used to determine the local strain at the onset of fracture in the neck of Bridgman specimen. The technique takes into account the change of crosssection area in the neck of specimen due to internal crack propagation when calculating the true stresses. The complete true stressstress-curve of 40Kh alloyed steel is plotted end criticalstrain energy density of steel is determined from it. It is shown that the critical strain energy density of material, determined from the curve obtained by developed technique is 1.8 times higher than determined from the classical true stress-strain curve and is close to the value of the specific heat of fusion of steel. The curves built using the proposed technique can be used for setting material properties in stress-strain state calculations by finite element method at large scale yielding conditions, for instance at pressure vessels critical pressure calculation. The critical strain energy density value can be considered as a material property at fatigue life-time calculation using energy approach.39-44enstrain energy densitystress-strain curvetrue stresstrue strainBridgman specimendigital image correlationstrain-controlled loadingalloyed steelExperimental determination of critical strain energy density of ductile materialsArticle© Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”, 2019© Molkov Yu., Ivanyts’kyi Ya., Lenkovs’kyi T., Trostianchyn A., Kulyk V., Shyshkovskyy R., 20196Experimental determination of critical strain energy density of ductile materials / Yuriy Molkov, Yaroslav Ivanyts’kyi, Taras Lenkovs’kyi, Andriy Trostianchyn, Volodymyr Kulyk, Roman Shyshkovskyy // Ukrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2019. — Vol 5. — No 1. — P. 39–44.