Сучасні проблеми радіоелектроніки, телекомунікацій, комп'ютерної інженерії

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    Estimation of indexes of efficiency of radioelectronic hardware-software systems based on the algorithm behavior
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2012) Volochiy, Bohdan; Ozirkovskyy, Leonid; Shkiliuk, Oleksandr; Mashchak, Andriy
    In this paper the technique of building models of radioelectronic software-hardware system with regard to quality of service information network is presented. Building a model involves the development of structural-automatic model,which is the input data for software module ASNA, in automatic mode generates a graph of states and transitions and creates a system of Chapman-Kolmogorov differential equations for different sets of input data.
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    Models of fault-tolerant systems with reconfiguration of the core of structure of “K of N”
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2012) Volochiy, Bohdan; Ozirkovskyy, Leonid; Zmysnyi, Mykhailo
    Models of fault-tolerant system with a combined structural redundancy, which includes the structure of “K of N” with Nth number of technical systems in the core and their sliding redundancy are presented. Exploitation of system does not provide for maintenance and therefore the using procedures of reconfiguration of the core of structure of “K of N” are examined. Possibilities of models researching two variants of realization of the procedure reconfiguration of the core of structure of “K of N” are demonstrated.
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    Reliability analysis of technical systems without redundancy with limited number of repairs
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2012) Bobalo, Yuriy; Mandziy, Bohdan; Volochiy, Bohdan; Osirkovskyy, Leonid
    The object of consideration is the construction of analytical models non-redundant maintainable system with a limited number of repairs. On the basis of the constructed model the analysis of reliability indexes - availability and the probability of downtime is carried out.
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    Designing of fault-tolerant radioelectronic systems with majority structure
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2010) Volochiy, Bohdan; Ozirkovskyy, Leonid; Zmysny, Mykhailo; Kulyk, Ihor
    The object of consideration is the electronic system of long-term operation. Consider options for systems maintenance and without it. In systems without maintenance is an important consideration reconfiguration of majority Structure and aging of its elements. For the systems with maintenance is an important a choice of strategy maintenance. A mathematical model for both versions of fault-tolerant systems with majority structure.
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    Models of the fault-tolerant systems, build from the same type of modules with sliding and general redundancy
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2010-02) Volochiy, Bohdan; Ozirkovskyy, Leonid; Mulyak, Oleksandr; Gyla, Vasyl
    Fault-tolerant system with combined structural redundancy is used in the design of the server node memory and an uninterruptible power supply system of very important purposes. Suggested reliable models of such devices have a high degree of adequacy and allows to solve problems which contains multiple choice analysis with acceptable to the designer time expense.