Вісники та науково-технічні збірники, журнали

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    Ensemble-based method of fraud detection at self-checkouts in retail
    (2019-06-26) Vitynskyi, P.; Tkachenko, R.; Izonin, I.; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    The authors consider the problem of fraud detection at self-checkouts in retail in condition of unbalanced data set. A new ensemble-based method is proposed for its effective solution. The developed method involves two main steps: application of the preprocessing procedures and the Random Forest algorithm. The step-by-step implementation of the preprocessing stage involves the sequential execution of such procedures over the input data: scaling by maximal element in a column with row-wise scaling by Euclidean norm, weighting by correlation and applying polynomial extension. For polynomial extension Ito decomposition of the second degree is used. The simulation of the method was carried out on real data. Evaluating performance was based on the use of cost matrix. The experimental comparison of the effectiveness of the developed ensemble-based method with a number of existing (simples and ensembles) demonstrates the best performance of the developed method. Experimental studies of changing the parameters of the Random Forest both for the basic algorithm and for the developed method demonstrate a significant improvement of the investigated efficiency measures of the latter. It is the result of all steps of the preprocessing stage of the developed method use.
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    Fuzzy-based crane control system
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Verbenko, I.; Tkachenko, R.
    Наведено нейронечітку систему управління краном для керування розхитуванням вантажу під час руху крану. Розглянуто основіні проблеми, які виникають під час розроблення систем управління з використанням традиційфних моделей управління. Також проаналізовано основні принципи побудови ПІД контроллерів, їхні переваги та недоліки порівняно з нечіткими системами управління. Розглянуто інтелектуальні системи управління та їх застосування для подальшого використання під час розроблення системи управління краном. In this paper a fuzzy-based crane control system for managing load swings during crane movement is presented. It is reviewed the main difficulties of constructing control system using traditional control models. Additionally, principles of construction PID controllers and their advantages and disadvantages over fuzzy systems are analyzed. Intelligent control systems and their appliance are revised for further usage in crane control system.