Вісники та науково-технічні збірники, журнали

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    Household waste management system planning in the Poltava region
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2021-06-01) Illiash, Oksana; Holik, Yuri; Maksiuta, Nataliia; National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”
    Today in Ukraine, the municipal waste management system is focused on landfill waste, mainly their disposal in landfills and unauthorized dumps, most of which do not meet the requirements of environmental safety. Accordingly, the main task at the state and regional levels is to implement a systematic approach to waste management, which will ensure both a gradual reduction in waste generation and an increase in their processing and reuse. Implementation of this task requires the implementation of a set of measures provided by the National Waste Management Strategy in Ukraine until 2030 (approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated November 8, 2017, No. 820 (Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine 2017, No. 820-r) and the National Waste Management Plan until 2030 (approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on February 20, 2019, No. 117-p (Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine 2019, No. 117- r). According to documents, a crucial step for each region of Ukraine is developing a regional waste management plan based on a phase of strategic planning of all processes of waste management. The importance of this stage increases as a result of the completed process of power decentralization in Ukraine, and, accordingly, delegating authority to address most community development issues to the local powers.
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    Application of cluster approach to the development of industrial potential: innovative policy and management support
    (Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2017-01-20) Kuzmin, O.; Stanasyuk, N.; Olikhovska, M.; Lviv Polytechnic National University; Lviv Institute of the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management
    In modern conditions, the role of industrial potential is increasing, which will ensure the modernization of the national economy. The emergence of crisis phenomena of clusterization in the industrial sector of the state is deepening due to the lack of directions in the management of its development. Therefore, the purpose of our article is to study the peculiarities and benefits of using the cluster approach in the management of industrial potential, to identify the main disadvantages of domestic clustering, taking into account foreign experience, and to elaborate of proposals for the development of industrial clusters in Ukraine. The article deals with the economic interpretation of the term ”cluster” and highlights the main characteristics and factors of the cluster problem presented in the scientific papers of scientists. The authors ground the main advantages of the cluster approach to the development of industrial potential and identify the main obstacles to the successful application of clustering in Ukraine. The relationship between the benefits and results of the application of the cluster approach for the formation of innovation-industrial policy in the state is established. During the research, the world experience in applying the cluster policy mechanism has been studied, and the directions of state support in the formation of favourable conditions for the development of clusters in industry have been proposed.
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    Провідні ВНЗ у системі науково-технологічних кластерів країн світу у період глобальних трансформацій
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016) Литвин, І. В.
    Розглянуто кластерний підхід як один із дієвих механізмів підвищення конкурентоспроможності ВНЗ, регіонів їх розташування та країн загалом в умовах глобалізації. Визначені фактори досягнення ефективної взаємодії у межах інноваційно-технологічних кластерів, роль та значення ВНЗ у їх формуванні. Досліджено провідні глобальні рейтинги країн світу за критеріями конкурентоспроможності їх економік, освіти та науки, розвиненості кластерів та ефективності інноваційної діяльності. Вивчено рейтинги найкращих ВНЗ світу, зроблено висновки за результатами порівняння рейтингових позицій країн світу про наявність істотного зв’язку між наявністю провідних інноваційних ВНЗ, науково-технологічних кластерів у країні та її позиціями у глобальних рейтингах конкурентоспроможності. In the article the cluster approach as one of the most effective mechanisms to improve the competitiveness of universities, regions and countries of their location in the context of globalization is revealed. The factors of effective cooperation achievement interaction within the innovation and technology clusters, the role and importance of universities in their formation are defined. Leading global rankings of the countries in the world according to the criteria of competitiveness of their economies, education and science, development of clusters and innovation activity efficiency, rankings of the best universities in the world are examined. The comparison of ranking position revealed significant connection between the presence of leading innovative universities, scientific and technological clusters in the country and its position in global competitiveness rankings. Globalization promotes that own and sole entities cannot achieve a high and effective results of which become available to them on terms of cooperation and joint efforts to realize the growth potential and increase its competitiveness. In many cases the innovation capacity of companies and organizations is revealed in the possibilities of their participation in clusters in their operation region. Efficient cluster should operate on a “triple helix” – “science-business-community.” It is known that universities are best suited for the role of integrator scientific and technological, operational, managerial knowledge and formation of the basis of the cluster. In addition, the role of institutions in shaping lace organizational structure of the cluster also seems reasonable. Universities have the right to perform educational function for all members of the cluster, including the exchange of knowledge, experience, new methods and successful management models to improve sustainability of cluster formation, increase staff potential participants in the cluster. Global competitiveness of countries deals with the level of its science and higher education. Table 1-3 confirm the relationship between the level of global competitiveness, innovation countries and the presence of their leading universities. In particular, countries such as Switzerland, the USA, UK, Singapore, Canada, with powerful world-class universities, confirm its high level of competitiveness and innovativeness of the economy, show rapid economic growth. Given this,governments should consider such important role of science and universities in formulating and implementing an effective competition policy in the context of globalization. The following research methods: analysis and synthesis, The actuality of the articles and insufficient scientific study of the problem forms the prospects for further scientific research and studies of the author towards improving the management of higher education institutions. Specifically, further research will deal with the key factors of global competitiveness identifying and achieving, the possibility to consider these factors for the development of strategic directions of domestic institutions development in the context of globalization of education.
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    Кластеризація – спосіб підвищення конкурентоспроможності вітчизняних підприємств агропромислового комплексу та галузі, загалом
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2011) Люльчак, З. С.; Вишньовська, Х. М.
    Наведено визначення поняття “кластер” та його структурної побудови відповідно до специфіки агропромислового комплексу. Розглянуто принципові цілі і передумови, а також принципи впровадження кластерного підходу у функціонування як вітчизняних, так і закодонних агропромислових підприємств. У запропонованих рішеннях визначені переваги та недоліки, труднощі у кластеризації підприємств, які зумовлені наявним станом підприємств цього сектора економіки, а також суспільними передумовами. The definition of “cluster” and its structural construction is perpesented in accordance with the specific of agriculture. The principles and objectives of the prerequisitesand principals of implementation of cluster approach in the functioning of both domestic and foreign agricultural enterprises. In the proposed solutionsidentified both advantages and disadvantages, difficulties in clustering companies that caused the existing state enterprises of this sector of the economy and social prerequisites.