Вісники та науково-технічні збірники, журнали

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    Decontamination of radioactive liquid systems by modified clay minerals
    (Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2016) Petrushka, Ihor; Moroz, Olexandr
    The process mechanism for sorption of strontium and cesium from liquid radioactive waste using modified bentonites from Yaziv sulfur deposit was investigated. The technique for predicting the intensity of the sorption process based on the comparison of experimental and calculated values of mass transfer coefficients was proposed. It was detected that the process of sorption extraction of strontium and cesium from liquid medium using modified clay minerals may be best described by a three-parameter model of the adsorption isotherms.
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    Mechanism and mathematical model of Н2S chemisorption on modified bentonite
    (Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2009) Stepova, Kateryna; Gumnitskyy, Yaroslav; Maquarrie, Duncan
    New H2S adsorbent was synthesized on the basis of bentonite. It was analyzed using elemental and BET surface area analysis. Models and mathematical representations of mechanisms that govern the chemisorption of hydrogen sulfide on the chemically treated bentonite were presented. The models adequacy was assessed by means of statistic t-criterion. Синтезовано новий адсорбент сірководню на основі бентоніту. Його склад визначали за допомогою елементного аналізу. Площу питомої поверхні розраховували за методом БЕТ. У статті наведено моделі та математичний опис механізму хемосорбції сірководню на хімічно модифікованому бентоніті. Адекватність моделей оцінювали за допомогою t-критерію.