Дизайн-мислення як ефективний метод адаптації до змін

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Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Lviv Politechnic Publishing House


Розглянуто сутність дизайн-мислення, обґрунтовано його актуальність в умовах кризи та пандемії COVID-19. Зазначено, що дизайн-мислення – один із найкращих методів, який дасть змогу організації не тільки вижити в кризових умовах, але й досягти успіху. Проаналізовано процес дизайн-мислення та наведено дизайнерські техніки й інструменти, які варто використовувати на кожному етапі цього процесу. Визначено відмінність методів за традиційного підходу (застосування логічного мислення) та нестандартного (дизайн-мислення). Вказано переваги дизайн-мислення, а також недоліки та складнощі його застосування.
The purpose. The purpose of this study is to reveal the features of the method of design thinking. Analyze design thinking, which consists of stages such as empathizing, defining, ideating, prototype, and testing. Introduce design techniques and tools that should be used at each stage of this process. Present the differences between the methods in the traditional (application of logical thinking) and non-standard (design thinking) approach. Design/Methodology/Approach. The study examines the hypothesis that applying the design thinking method in the context of a crisis is quite adequate, particularly in doing business during the COVID-19 pandemic. General scientific theoretical methods of research, particularly formalization, analysis, synthesis, systematization, and explanation, have been used to study the essence, advantages, and comparative characteristics of design thinking methods. Conclusions. The studies have shown that design thinking is cross-functional, customer-oriented, resource-saving, creative, and versatile. This confirms the hypothesis that this method should be used in times of crisis and the period of recovery. The practical application of design thinking requires a complete and clear understanding of its capabilities, the availability of the necessary resources, and all participants' interest in the observed outcome. The practical consequences/results of this study are of interest to managers and company heads who want to rethink and change the work processes, particularly regarding decision-making against the background of uncertainty. The quality and effectiveness of applying the design thinking method will depend on the qualification and efficiency of the team performance. It has been suggested to approach teams' formation carefully – they should balance analytical and design thinking in the best possible way. Team members must be aware of the challenge and diversity of use of their experience, including all functions starting from research and development to marketing and sales. For successful work, teams need to be given maximum independence; specific rules or restrictions must be general and minimal. The application of design thinking must be continuous. In general, this should be a way of doing business, not separate project works. Originality/value. This study emphasizes the effectiveness of the design thinking method and its incomplete application in domestic companies. It indicates the advantages, disadvantages, and differences from traditional methods. It is valuable for a deeper understanding and application in practice by managers at different levels.



дизайн-мислення, інновації, зміни, пандемія, Desing Sprint, методи та інструменти дизайн-мислення, design thinking, innovation, change, pandemic, Design Sprint, methods and tools of design thinking


Беспалюк Х. М. Дизайн-мислення як ефективний метод адаптації до змін / Х. М. Беспалюк, К. В. Процак // Вісник Національного університету “Львівська політехніка”. Серія: "Проблеми економіки та управління". — Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2021. — Том 5. — № 1. — С. 121–131.



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