Kinetic Model of the Process of Polycondensation of Concentrated Phenols of Coal Tar with Formaldehyde
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Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Lviv Politechnic Publishing House
Lviv Politechnic Publishing House
Одержано фенолоформальдегідні смоли
методом поліконденсації концентрованих фенолів з формальдегідом
у присутності хлоридної кислоти. Концентрування
фенолів здійснювали, обробляючи фенольну фракцію кам’яновугільної
смоли водним розчином гідроксиду натрію з наступною
нейтралізацією водорозчинних фенолятів хлоридною кислотою.
Отримано кінетичні залежності виходу смоли та
температури розм’якшення від тривалості процесу за 333, 353
та 373 K. Визначено порядок реакції та встановлено ефективну
енергію активації цього процесу графічним методом. В
інтервалі 333–373 K для реакцій поліконденсації отримано
рівняння залежності виходу смоли від температури та тривалості процесу.
Phenol formaldehyde resins were obtained by polycondensation of concentrated phenols with formaldehyde in the presence of hydrochloric acid. Concentration of phenols is carried out by treating the phenolic fraction of coal tar with an aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide followed by neutralization of water-soluble phenolates with hydrochloric acid. The kinetic dependences of resin yield and softening temperature on the duration of the process at 333, 353, and 373 K were obtained. The order of the reaction was determined and the effective activation energy of this process was determined by a graphical method. In the interval 333-373 K for polycondensation reactions, the equation of the dependence of the resin yield on the temperature and duration of the process was obtained.
Phenol formaldehyde resins were obtained by polycondensation of concentrated phenols with formaldehyde in the presence of hydrochloric acid. Concentration of phenols is carried out by treating the phenolic fraction of coal tar with an aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide followed by neutralization of water-soluble phenolates with hydrochloric acid. The kinetic dependences of resin yield and softening temperature on the duration of the process at 333, 353, and 373 K were obtained. The order of the reaction was determined and the effective activation energy of this process was determined by a graphical method. In the interval 333-373 K for polycondensation reactions, the equation of the dependence of the resin yield on the temperature and duration of the process was obtained.
фенолоформальдегідні смоли, новолак, хлоридна кислота, кінетика, phenol formaldehyde resins, novolac, hydrochloric acid, kinetics
Kinetic Model of the Process of Polycondensation of Concentrated Phenols of Coal Tar with Formaldehyde / Volodymyr Gunka, Yuriy Demchuk, Iryna Drapak, Bohdan Korchak, Michael Bratychak // Chemistry & Chemical Technology. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2023. — Vol 17. — No 2. — P. 339–346.