Quantitative Determination of Ephedrine Hydrochloride in Pharmaceutical Injections by Highly Sensitive Turbidimetric and Reversed-Phase Combined with UFLC Methods
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Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Lviv Politechnic Publishing House
Lviv Politechnic Publishing House
За допомогою турбидиметричного методу
та обернено-фазної надшвидкої рідинної хроматографії (НРХ)
визначено кількість гідрохлориду ефедрину у фармацевтичних
ін‘єкціях. Першим методом на основі турбидиметричних
величин утвореного жовтувато-білого осаду у вигляді суспензії
визначено концентрацію гідрохлориду ефедрину. Суспензія утво-
рюється внаслідок реакції між гідрохлоридом ефедрину та
флуоромолібденовою кислотою, яку використовували як реа-
гент. Досліджено її фізико-хімічні характеристики та побудо-
вано калібрувальні графіки ефедрину. У другому способі (НРХ)
використано рухому фазу метанол-вода (55:45, об. %; рН
води 3,5). Кількість гідрохлориду ефедрину визначали з вико-
ристанням УФ-детектора при 260 нм. Лінійність ефедрину
встановлено в діапазоні 0,09–0,39 ммоль·л-1, а межа чутливості
для турбидиметричного та НРХ методу становила 0,4 та
0,0044 ммоль·л-1, відповідно. Показано, що розроблені методи
можна успішно застосовувати для кількісного визначення гідро-
хлориду ефедрину в лабораторних препаратах (стандарт) та ко-
мерційних фармацевтичних ін‘єкціях. Відносні стандартні від-
хилення обох методів знаходяться в інтервалі 0,65–1,69%, що
вказує на коректну відтворюваність і високу точність методів.
In this paper, turbidimetric and reversed-phase ultra-fast liquid chromatography (UFLC) methods were described for the quantitative determination of ephedrine hydrochloride in pharmaceutical injections form. The first method is based on measuring the turbidimetric values for the formed yellowish white precipitate in suspension status in order to determine the ephedrine hydrochloride concentration. The suspended substance is formed as a result of the reaction of ephedrine hydrochloride with phosphomolybdic acid which was used as a reagent. The physical and chemical characteristics of the complex were investigated. The calibration graphs of ephedrine were established by turbidity method. While the second method (UFLC) was conducted using the methanol-water (55+45, v/v) as the mobile phase with adjusted water pH 3.5. The ephedrine hydrochloride was detected and measured using UV detector at 260 nm. The linearity of ephedrine was obtained in the range of 0.09–0.39 mmol·l-1. The detection limits (LOD) for the ephedrine hydrochloride were found to be 0.4 and 0.0044 mmol·l-1 by turbidity and UFLC, respectively. The developed methods were successfully applied for the quantitative determination of ephedrine hydrochloride in laboratory preparations (standard) and in commercial pharmaceutical injections. The two methods have given relative standard deviations (R.S.D.) in the range of 0.65–1.69 %, which indicates reasonable repeatability and high precision of both methods.
In this paper, turbidimetric and reversed-phase ultra-fast liquid chromatography (UFLC) methods were described for the quantitative determination of ephedrine hydrochloride in pharmaceutical injections form. The first method is based on measuring the turbidimetric values for the formed yellowish white precipitate in suspension status in order to determine the ephedrine hydrochloride concentration. The suspended substance is formed as a result of the reaction of ephedrine hydrochloride with phosphomolybdic acid which was used as a reagent. The physical and chemical characteristics of the complex were investigated. The calibration graphs of ephedrine were established by turbidity method. While the second method (UFLC) was conducted using the methanol-water (55+45, v/v) as the mobile phase with adjusted water pH 3.5. The ephedrine hydrochloride was detected and measured using UV detector at 260 nm. The linearity of ephedrine was obtained in the range of 0.09–0.39 mmol·l-1. The detection limits (LOD) for the ephedrine hydrochloride were found to be 0.4 and 0.0044 mmol·l-1 by turbidity and UFLC, respectively. The developed methods were successfully applied for the quantitative determination of ephedrine hydrochloride in laboratory preparations (standard) and in commercial pharmaceutical injections. The two methods have given relative standard deviations (R.S.D.) in the range of 0.65–1.69 %, which indicates reasonable repeatability and high precision of both methods.
обернено-фазна надшвидка рідинна хроматографія, гідрохлорид ефедрину, турбидиметрія, фармацевтичні препарати, UFLC, ephedrine hydrochloride, turbidity, pharmaceutical preparations
Jeber J. N. Quantitative Determination of Ephedrine Hydrochloride in Pharmaceutical Injections by Highly Sensitive Turbidimetric and Reversed-Phase Combined with UFLC Methods / Jalal N. Jeber // Chemistry & Chemical Technology. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2019. — Vol 13. — No 2. — P. 269–274.