Scientific priorities of the development of environmental research in Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies. The life path of Professor Krusir G. V.


The article deals with the main scientific priorities of the development of environmental research in Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies under the leadership of the Head of the Department of Ecology and Environmental Technologies, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Krusir G. V. Current priorities of her scientific research are the enzymatic catalysis, digestive (hydrolytic) enzymes, immobilization of biologically active substances, biocorrectors of digestive processes, biotechnology, ecobiotechnology, resource efficiency in the food chain, ecological management, biotechnological methods of recycling of the secondary raw materials of food industry into biologically active additives, determination of environmental friendliness of foodstuffs by chemical methods and non-destructive methods, processes of anaerobic fermentation of waste with the formation of biogas, sewage treatment of food production by the method of anaerobic digestion, technology of processing food industry waste into biologically active feed additives and organic fertilizers.



Sagdeeva O. Scientific priorities of the development of environmental research in Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies. The life path of Professor Krusir G. V. / Olga Sagdeeva // Environmental Problems. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2019. — Vol 4. — No 4. — P. 219–221.



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