Scientific priorities of the development of environmental research in Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies. The life path of Professor Krusir G. V.

dc.citation.journalTitleЕкологічні проблеми
dc.contributor.affiliationOdessa National Academy of Food Technologies
dc.contributor.authorSagdeeva, Olga
dc.description.abstractThe article deals with the main scientific priorities of the development of environmental research in Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies under the leadership of the Head of the Department of Ecology and Environmental Technologies, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Krusir G. V. Current priorities of her scientific research are the enzymatic catalysis, digestive (hydrolytic) enzymes, immobilization of biologically active substances, biocorrectors of digestive processes, biotechnology, ecobiotechnology, resource efficiency in the food chain, ecological management, biotechnological methods of recycling of the secondary raw materials of food industry into biologically active additives, determination of environmental friendliness of foodstuffs by chemical methods and non-destructive methods, processes of anaerobic fermentation of waste with the formation of biogas, sewage treatment of food production by the method of anaerobic digestion, technology of processing food industry waste into biologically active feed additives and organic fertilizers.
dc.identifier.citationSagdeeva O. Scientific priorities of the development of environmental research in Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies. The life path of Professor Krusir G. V. / Olga Sagdeeva // Environmental Problems. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2019. — Vol 4. — No 4. — P. 219–221.
dc.identifier.citationenSagdeeva O. Scientific priorities of the development of environmental research in Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies. The life path of Professor Krusir G. V. / Olga Sagdeeva // Environmental Problems. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2019. — Vol 4. — No 4. — P. 219–221.
dc.publisherLviv Politechnic Publishing House
dc.relation.ispartofЕкологічні проблеми, 4 (4), 2019
dc.relation.ispartofEnvironmental Problems, 4 (4), 2019
dc.relation.references1.Cherno N. K. Digestors of digestive processes [Text] / N. K. Cherno, G. V. Krusir, O. V. Kovalenko / Monograph. Odessa. 2010. 236 p.
dc.relation.references2.Krusir G. V. Sustainable development and security of Ukraine's agro-food sector in the face of globalization challenges / G. V. Krusir, O. I. Pavkov, M. A. Hvesik, V. V. Yurchishin // Astroprint Odessa, 2012. P. 440–452.
dc.relation.references3.Krusir G. V. Ecology in diagrams and tables / G. V. Krusir, E. P. Ruseva, G. V. Kiriyak, O. S. Karpenko, V. V. Yashkina, I. F. Sokolova, R. I. Shevchenko // Odessa, ONAFT, Department of Food and Production Ecology, 2013. 162 p.
dc.relation.references4.Galyna Krusir, Heinz Leuenberger, Olesia Cernyshova Investigation of Co-Utilization of Meat Processing Wastewater Sewage and Rice Husk by Anaerobic Digestion. – P. 66–76. / in Monograph “Water Security”, edited by Olena Mitryasova & Chad Staddon. Mykolaiv: PMBSNU – Bristol: UWE, 2016. 308 p.
dc.relation.references5.Galyna Krusir, Alfred Zikalo, Oleksiy Harkovych, Maria Madani, Valentina Zakharchuk Anaerobic Treatment of Wastewater from Wineries. P. 76–88. / in Monograph “Water Security”, edited by Olena Mitryasova & Chad Staddon. Mykolaiv: PMBSNU Bristol: UWE, 2016. 308 p.
dc.relation.references6.Waste management technologies: Educ. tool for HEI students. / G. V. Krusir, R. I. Shevchenko, Ya. P. Ruseva, I. P. Kondratenko, I. P. Krajnov. Odessa, 2014. 304 p.
dc.relation.references7.Krusir G. V., Madani M. M., Garkovich O. L. Techniques and technologies of gas emission purification. Manual. Odessa, 2018. 157 p.
dc.relation.references8.Krusir G. V., Madani M. M., Garkovich O. L. Ecological Chemistry Handbook. Odessa, 2018. 187 p.
dc.relation.references9.Krusir G. V., Madani M. M., Garkovich O. L., Chernyshova O. O. Environmental Law Guide. Odessa, 2018. 165 p.
dc.relation.references10.Krusir G. V., Trishin F. A., Madani M. M., Garkovich O. L. Technoecology Guide. Odessa, 2018. 178 p.
dc.relation.references11.Krusir G. V., Madani M. M., Karpenko O. S. Theoretical Foundations of Environmental Protection Guide. Odessa, 2018. 197 p.
dc.relation.references12.Petruk V. G., Vasylkivsky I. V., Petruk R. V., Krusir G. V., Klimenko M. O., Sakalova G. V. Environmental protection technologies. Textbook. Part 1: Protecting the Vinnitsa atmosphere: VNTU, 2019. 327 p.
dc.relation.references13.Petruk V. G., Vasilkovsky I. V., Petruk R. V., Krusir G. V., Klimenko M. O., Sakalova G. V. Environmental protection technologies. Textbook. Part 2: Protection of the Vinnitsa hydrosphere: VNTU, 2019. 363 p.
dc.relation.references14.Petruk V. G., Vasilkovsky I. V., Petruk R. V., Krusir G. V., Klimenko M. O., Sakalova G. V. Environmental protection technologies. Textbook. Part 3: Environmental Protection Management, Vinnitsa: VNTU, 2019. 250 p.
dc.relation.references15.Petruk V. G., Vasilkovsky I. V., Petruk R. V., Krusir G. V., Klimenko M. O., Sakalova G. V. Environmental protection technologies. Textbook. Part 4: Technologies of food waste management, Vinnitsa: VNTU, 2019. 340 p.
dc.relation.references16.Pat. for invention No. 91080 Ukraine. A23L 1/30, A23L 1/10 Biologically active additive / Krusir G. V., Kushnir N. A.; Owner: Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies. – u200805352; Statement 04/24/2008; publ. 25.06.2010 Bul. No. 12/2010.
dc.relation.references17.Pat. for invention No. 46784 Ukraine. A23L 1/30, A23L 1/10 Method for the production of a curative preventive fermented milk beverage / Krusir G. V., Kushnir N. A.; Owner: Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies. u200906055; Statement 06/12/2009; publ.11.01.2010. Bul. No. 1/2010.
dc.relation.references18.Pat. for invention No. 48539 Ukraine. A23L 1/308, A23L 1/30 Biologically active additive / Krusir G. V., Kushnir N. A.; Owner: Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies. u200909257; Statement 08/09/2009; publ. 25.03.2010. Bul. No. 6/2010.
dc.relation.references19.Pat. for utility model No.87896 Ukraine. G01N 33/18 Food safety assessment method / G. V. Krusir, I. P. Kondratenko; Owner: Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies. - u201310181; Statement 19.08.2013; publ. 02/22/2014 Bul. No. 4.
dc.relation.references20.Pat. For utility model No. 94587 Ukraine IPC (2014) С02F 11/12. Method of anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge / Krusir G. V., Sokolova I. F. Applicant and patentee of ONAFT. u201403878; Statement14.04.2014; publ. 25/11/2014, Bul. No. 22. 4 p.
dc.relation.references21.Pat. Utility Model No. 83595 Ukraine IPC Method of obtaining feed additive / Krusir G. V., Sokolova I. F. Applicant and Patent Owner of ONAFT. u2012 14030; Statement 10/12/2012; publ. 9/25/2013, Bul. No.18. 6 p.
dc.relation.references22.Pat. for utility model No.128399 Ukraine. СО2F 7/00 Method of composting the organic part of solid household waste / G. V. Krusir, O. A. Sagdeeva, A. L. Tsykalo, I. V. Kovalenko, O. L. Garkovich; Owner: Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies. u201804987; Statement 07/05/2018; publ. 09/09/2018 Bul. No. 17.
dc.relation.references23.Pat. for the utility model No.128398 Ukraine. СО2F 7/00 Method of composting the organic partofsolid [22] household waste / G. V. Krusir, O. A. Sagdeeva, A. L. Tsykalo, M. M. Madani, I. O. Kuznetsova; Owner: Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies. u201804983; Statement 07/05/2018; publ. 09/09/2018 Bul. No. 17.
dc.relation.references24.О. А. Sagdeeva, G. V. Krusir, A. L.Tsykalo, Т. V. Shpyrко, H. Leuenberger. Organic waste composting using mineral additives // Food Science and Technology. 2018. Vol. 12 (1). P. 45–52. DOI: (WoS)
dc.relation.references25.Malovanyy М., Krusir G., Holodovska О., Masikevych A. Reagent purification of the processing industry enterprises effluents // Food Science and Technology. 2018. Vol. 12 (3). P. 109–116. DOI: (WoS)
dc.relation.references26.Skliar V., Krusir G., Zakharchuk V., Kovalenko I., Shpyrko T. Investigation of the fat fraction enzymatic hydrolysis of the waste from production of hydrogenated fat by the lipase Rhizopus japonicus // Food science and technology. 2019. Vol. 13 (1). P. 27–33. DOI: (WoS)
dc.relation.references27.Victoria Sklyar, Galina Krusir, Tatyana Lebedenko, Galina Khomich, Irina Kovalenko. Research Study of the Conditions of Wastes Lipolysis Lipid Fraction // Journal of Ecological Engineering. 2019. Vol. 20 (3). P. 152–156 (Scopus)
dc.relation.references28.Krusir G., Shpyrko T., Sagdeeva О., Zakharchuk V. The role of soil microbiocenosis in the composting process of the organic part of municipal solid waste // Food Science and Technology. 2019. Vol. 13(2). P. 34–43.
dc.relation.referencesen1.Cherno N. K. Digestors of digestive processes [Text], N. K. Cherno, G. V. Krusir, O. V. Kovalenko, Monograph. Odessa. 2010. 236 p.
dc.relation.referencesen2.Krusir G. V. Sustainable development and security of Ukraine's agro-food sector in the face of globalization challenges, G. V. Krusir, O. I. Pavkov, M. A. Hvesik, V. V. Yurchishin, Astroprint Odessa, 2012. P. 440–452.
dc.relation.referencesen3.Krusir G. V. Ecology in diagrams and tables, G. V. Krusir, E. P. Ruseva, G. V. Kiriyak, O. S. Karpenko, V. V. Yashkina, I. F. Sokolova, R. I. Shevchenko, Odessa, ONAFT, Department of Food and Production Ecology, 2013. 162 p.
dc.relation.referencesen4.Galyna Krusir, Heinz Leuenberger, Olesia Cernyshova Investigation of Co-Utilization of Meat Processing Wastewater Sewage and Rice Husk by Anaerobic Digestion, P. 66–76., in Monograph "Water Security", edited by Olena Mitryasova & Chad Staddon. Mykolaiv: PMBSNU – Bristol: UWE, 2016. 308 p.
dc.relation.referencesen5.Galyna Krusir, Alfred Zikalo, Oleksiy Harkovych, Maria Madani, Valentina Zakharchuk Anaerobic Treatment of Wastewater from Wineries. P. 76–88., in Monograph "Water Security", edited by Olena Mitryasova & Chad Staddon. Mykolaiv: PMBSNU Bristol: UWE, 2016. 308 p.
dc.relation.referencesen6.Waste management technologies: Educ. tool for HEI students., G. V. Krusir, R. I. Shevchenko, Ya. P. Ruseva, I. P. Kondratenko, I. P. Krajnov. Odessa, 2014. 304 p.
dc.relation.referencesen7.Krusir G. V., Madani M. M., Garkovich O. L. Techniques and technologies of gas emission purification. Manual. Odessa, 2018. 157 p.
dc.relation.referencesen8.Krusir G. V., Madani M. M., Garkovich O. L. Ecological Chemistry Handbook. Odessa, 2018. 187 p.
dc.relation.referencesen9.Krusir G. V., Madani M. M., Garkovich O. L., Chernyshova O. O. Environmental Law Guide. Odessa, 2018. 165 p.
dc.relation.referencesen10.Krusir G. V., Trishin F. A., Madani M. M., Garkovich O. L. Technoecology Guide. Odessa, 2018. 178 p.
dc.relation.referencesen11.Krusir G. V., Madani M. M., Karpenko O. S. Theoretical Foundations of Environmental Protection Guide. Odessa, 2018. 197 p.
dc.relation.referencesen12.Petruk V. G., Vasylkivsky I. V., Petruk R. V., Krusir G. V., Klimenko M. O., Sakalova G. V. Environmental protection technologies. Textbook. Part 1: Protecting the Vinnitsa atmosphere: VNTU, 2019. 327 p.
dc.relation.referencesen13.Petruk V. G., Vasilkovsky I. V., Petruk R. V., Krusir G. V., Klimenko M. O., Sakalova G. V. Environmental protection technologies. Textbook. Part 2: Protection of the Vinnitsa hydrosphere: VNTU, 2019. 363 p.
dc.relation.referencesen14.Petruk V. G., Vasilkovsky I. V., Petruk R. V., Krusir G. V., Klimenko M. O., Sakalova G. V. Environmental protection technologies. Textbook. Part 3: Environmental Protection Management, Vinnitsa: VNTU, 2019. 250 p.
dc.relation.referencesen15.Petruk V. G., Vasilkovsky I. V., Petruk R. V., Krusir G. V., Klimenko M. O., Sakalova G. V. Environmental protection technologies. Textbook. Part 4: Technologies of food waste management, Vinnitsa: VNTU, 2019. 340 p.
dc.relation.referencesen16.Pat. for invention No. 91080 Ukraine. A23L 1/30, A23L 1/10 Biologically active additive, Krusir G. V., Kushnir N. A.; Owner: Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, u200805352; Statement 04/24/2008; publ. 25.06.2010 Bul. No. 12/2010.
dc.relation.referencesen17.Pat. for invention No. 46784 Ukraine. A23L 1/30, A23L 1/10 Method for the production of a curative preventive fermented milk beverage, Krusir G. V., Kushnir N. A.; Owner: Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies. u200906055; Statement 06/12/2009; publ.11.01.2010. Bul. No. 1/2010.
dc.relation.referencesen18.Pat. for invention No. 48539 Ukraine. A23L 1/308, A23L 1/30 Biologically active additive, Krusir G. V., Kushnir N. A.; Owner: Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies. u200909257; Statement 08/09/2009; publ. 25.03.2010. Bul. No. 6/2010.
dc.relation.referencesen19.Pat. for utility model No.87896 Ukraine. G01N 33/18 Food safety assessment method, G. V. Krusir, I. P. Kondratenko; Owner: Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, u201310181; Statement 19.08.2013; publ. 02/22/2014 Bul. No. 4.
dc.relation.referencesen20.Pat. For utility model No. 94587 Ukraine IPC (2014) P.02F 11/12. Method of anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge, Krusir G. V., Sokolova I. F. Applicant and patentee of ONAFT. u201403878; Statement14.04.2014; publ. 25/11/2014, Bul. No. 22. 4 p.
dc.relation.referencesen21.Pat. Utility Model No. 83595 Ukraine IPC Method of obtaining feed additive, Krusir G. V., Sokolova I. F. Applicant and Patent Owner of ONAFT. u2012 14030; Statement 10/12/2012; publ. 9/25/2013, Bul. No.18. 6 p.
dc.relation.referencesen22.Pat. for utility model No.128399 Ukraine. SO2F 7/00 Method of composting the organic part of solid household waste, G. V. Krusir, O. A. Sagdeeva, A. L. Tsykalo, I. V. Kovalenko, O. L. Garkovich; Owner: Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies. u201804987; Statement 07/05/2018; publ. 09/09/2018 Bul. No. 17.
dc.relation.referencesen23.Pat. for the utility model No.128398 Ukraine. SO2F 7/00 Method of composting the organic partofsolid [22] household waste, G. V. Krusir, O. A. Sagdeeva, A. L. Tsykalo, M. M. Madani, I. O. Kuznetsova; Owner: Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies. u201804983; Statement 07/05/2018; publ. 09/09/2018 Bul. No. 17.
dc.relation.referencesen24.O. A. Sagdeeva, G. V. Krusir, A. L.Tsykalo, T. V. Shpyrko, H. Leuenberger. Organic waste composting using mineral additives, Food Science and Technology. 2018. Vol. 12 (1). P. 45–52. DOI: (WoS)
dc.relation.referencesen25.Malovanyy M., Krusir G., Holodovska O., Masikevych A. Reagent purification of the processing industry enterprises effluents, Food Science and Technology. 2018. Vol. 12 (3). P. 109–116. DOI: (WoS)
dc.relation.referencesen26.Skliar V., Krusir G., Zakharchuk V., Kovalenko I., Shpyrko T. Investigation of the fat fraction enzymatic hydrolysis of the waste from production of hydrogenated fat by the lipase Rhizopus japonicus, Food science and technology. 2019. Vol. 13 (1). P. 27–33. DOI: (WoS)
dc.relation.referencesen27.Victoria Sklyar, Galina Krusir, Tatyana Lebedenko, Galina Khomich, Irina Kovalenko. Research Study of the Conditions of Wastes Lipolysis Lipid Fraction, Journal of Ecological Engineering. 2019. Vol. 20 (3). P. 152–156 (Scopus)
dc.relation.referencesen28.Krusir G., Shpyrko T., Sagdeeva O., Zakharchuk V. The role of soil microbiocenosis in the composting process of the organic part of municipal solid waste, Food Science and Technology. 2019. Vol. 13(2). P. 34–43.
dc.rights.holder© Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”, 2019
dc.rights.holder© Sagdeeva O., 2019
dc.subjectecological safety
dc.subjectbiotechnological methods of recycling
dc.subjectanaerobic fermentation
dc.subjectsewage treatment
dc.titleScientific priorities of the development of environmental research in Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies. The life path of Professor Krusir G. V.


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