Маркетинговий аналіз попиту та пропозиції на ринку праці України
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Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Lviv Politechnic Publishing House
Lviv Politechnic Publishing House
Охарактеризовано теоретичні засади функціонування ринку праці та специфіку
його розвитку. Проаналізовано дефініції поняття “ринок праці” та визначено його оптимальне трактування. Досліджено типові моделі ринку праці та його функції, встановлено
взаємозв’язки ринку праці з іншими типами ринків. Вивчено об’єкти та суб’єктів ринку
праці, ключові елементи: попит, пропозицію, ціну та вартість. Охарактеризовано типи
ринкової кон’юнктури та вивчено умови їх становлення. Проведено PEST-аналіз факторів зовнішнього середовища, що визначально впливають на ринок праці.
Охарактеризовано методи регулювання ринку праці, а також заходи державної політики регулювання зайнятості.
The labor market is a complex socio-economic phenomenon that requires constant monitoring and regulation. There are a significant number of definitions of this concept, which are significantly different and quite harmoniously complement each other. At the same time, scientists use complex, systemic and dialectical approaches. Scientists consider typical models of the labor market: American, Japanese, Swedish and Chinese, which differ in a number of key features and principles of operation. The labor market in the process of formation and functioning performs a number of functions: social division of labor; informational; mediational; professional counseling; regulatory; pricing; proportionality of the distribution of labor in accordance with the structure of social needs and the development of scientific and technological progress; reserve. Herewith, as a separate element of a market economy, it interacts with markets: capital, raw materials, information, educational and scientific services, health care, cultural and spiritual services, household and social services, housing, innovation, etc. The demand and supply of labor, its cost and price are the main elements of the labor market. Labor exists in the labor market as a specific commodity, which is characterized by a number of features different from other products of a market economy. In the process of buying and selling labor, a number of relations arise between the subjects of the labor market, which constitute a certain system. The ratio of supply and demand of labor, in other words conjuncture of market, are formed under the influence of internal and external factors of the labor market, as well as the level of employment and unemployment. There are three types of conjuncture of labor market: equilibrium, redundant labor and insufficient labor. Labor market conditions are changing due to the natural and mechanical movement of labor and jobs. In Ukraine, the labor market situation is characterized by structural disparities between labor supply and demand, which have become a chronic problem of the national economy. PEST-analysis as a marketing tool should be used to determine the importance of the influence of various factors on the formation conjuncture of labor market. It includes political, legal, economic, socio-cultural and technological factors of the external environment. Market instruments and partly means of active and passive state policy of employment regulation should be used to regulate the labor market. The main regulators will be to remain: the country's legislation, economic laws, the trade union movement and the media, national traditions, mentality, climatic and historical conditions of the country.
The labor market is a complex socio-economic phenomenon that requires constant monitoring and regulation. There are a significant number of definitions of this concept, which are significantly different and quite harmoniously complement each other. At the same time, scientists use complex, systemic and dialectical approaches. Scientists consider typical models of the labor market: American, Japanese, Swedish and Chinese, which differ in a number of key features and principles of operation. The labor market in the process of formation and functioning performs a number of functions: social division of labor; informational; mediational; professional counseling; regulatory; pricing; proportionality of the distribution of labor in accordance with the structure of social needs and the development of scientific and technological progress; reserve. Herewith, as a separate element of a market economy, it interacts with markets: capital, raw materials, information, educational and scientific services, health care, cultural and spiritual services, household and social services, housing, innovation, etc. The demand and supply of labor, its cost and price are the main elements of the labor market. Labor exists in the labor market as a specific commodity, which is characterized by a number of features different from other products of a market economy. In the process of buying and selling labor, a number of relations arise between the subjects of the labor market, which constitute a certain system. The ratio of supply and demand of labor, in other words conjuncture of market, are formed under the influence of internal and external factors of the labor market, as well as the level of employment and unemployment. There are three types of conjuncture of labor market: equilibrium, redundant labor and insufficient labor. Labor market conditions are changing due to the natural and mechanical movement of labor and jobs. In Ukraine, the labor market situation is characterized by structural disparities between labor supply and demand, which have become a chronic problem of the national economy. PEST-analysis as a marketing tool should be used to determine the importance of the influence of various factors on the formation conjuncture of labor market. It includes political, legal, economic, socio-cultural and technological factors of the external environment. Market instruments and partly means of active and passive state policy of employment regulation should be used to regulate the labor market. The main regulators will be to remain: the country's legislation, economic laws, the trade union movement and the media, national traditions, mentality, climatic and historical conditions of the country.
попит, пропозиція, ринок праці, ринок робочої сили, робоча сила, трудові ресурси, кон’юнктура, зайнятість, безробіття, економічно активне населення, supply, labor market, labour market, labor force, labor resources, conjuncture, employment, unemployment, economically active population
Карпій О. П. Маркетинговий аналіз попиту та пропозиції на ринку праці України / О. П. Карпій, С. А. Качмар // Менеджмент та підприємництво в Україні: етапи становлення і проблеми розвитку : науковий журнал. — Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2021. — Том 3. — № 2. — С. 181–192.