Browsing by Author "Кіянка, Ірина"
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Item Німецький нацизм: від популістських обіцянок до авторитарної диктатури(Видавницво Львівської політехніки, 2014) Кіянка, ІринаЗосереджено увагу на проблемі популістських гасел у період розквіту нацизму в Німеччині. Особливу увагу зосереджено на ілюстрації негативного досвіду популізму в німецькому суспільстві та його впливі на усі сфери життя. Певну роль відведено впливу ідеології та релігії. The article reviews the impact of populist slogans in the ideology of German Nazism. The main purpose of article is in illustration of negative experience of populism in German society and its influence on all aspects of life. Special attention is paid to the ideology and religion.Nazi ideology was based on populist slogans and a number of promises at all levels of German society and contained a violation of the rights and freedoms of the citizens. All that was characterized as systematic and eventually it resulted in a complete collapse of the Nazi ideology. Thus, an important step is a detailed study of the historical experience, theoretical and practical base of German Nazism. In the 21st century its variations became apparent as neo-Nazism and exists in the policy documents of radical parties in the Central and Eastern Europe countries, including Ukraine, which may not even be aware of its threat for the development of a free civil society. The importance of this research is in the fact that today there exist the threat of mass usage of the populist slogans of the so called «good intentions» aimed at improving living standards. However, the experience of the German politicians shows that they had also started the realization of their policy from the ideas and actions for the sake of «good intentions», but then in 1930s conducted referendum with an official 99 % turnout. Thus, an important step in the further research is in the study of the historical heritage of populism, in this case the example of Germany in 1930s, and consideration of past mistakes for building of a democratic society in Ukraine. Therefore, further research will consider the main populist slogans of neo-Nazi parties that take place in the countries of Western and Central Europe. The prospects of the given research have a rich heritage for analytical work, assessment, and reassessment of the historical phenomenon of «German Nazism». The future will give new vision, new strategies of development, and steps for positive change in society.Item Популізм в країнах Західної Європи: кінець XX – початок XXI ст.(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Кіянка, ІринаАкцентується увага на проблематиці популізму в країнах Західної Європи (період 1990-х рр. – початок ХХІ ст.). Доведено, що популісти у боротьбі за владу використовують усі демократичні інститути, вважаючи, що лише воля громадян додає легітимності політичній системі. Іншою специфічною ознакою сучасного західноєвропейського популізму є поява сил, які обстоюють принципи вільного ринку, обмеження державного регулювання економіки та податкового тиску, при цьому переважно у поєднанні із закликами до протекціоністської політики. The article examines the problem of populism in Western European countries from the 1990s to the present day. The author proves that in their struggle for power the populists use the policy and ideas of the democratic institutions regarding the citizens’ will as the only basis of the legitimacy. One more feature of modern Western populism is the emergence of forces defending the free market principles, the economic deregulation and the tax burden. The growth of populism in Western Europe in the 1990s has a number of features. The first feature is that these forces generally tend to the nationalist ideology and rhetoric. The second one is crucial to the EU efforts to mitigate the effects of globalisation on their countries. The third feature of Western populism is sharp criticism of mass immigration recognised as a threat to the traditional European values and culture. Researchers suggest that populism and right-wing radicalism belong to the same ideology and the difference between them is rather quantitative than qualitative. However, there exist some political characteristics which make it possible to distinguish between the classical populists and the right-wing radicals. Nowadays the majority of the populist parties in Western and Eastern Europe have a more positive attitude towards the regime of President Putin and the foreign policy of the Russian Federation. The latter is considered to be an example of a strong national policy that is not limited by the influence of any supranational structures.