Econtechmod. – 2017. – Vol. 6, No. 2
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International quarterly journal on economics in technology, new technologies and modelling processes.
Econtechmod : an international quarterly journal on economics in technology, new technologies and modelling processes. – Lublin ; Rzeszow, 2017. – Volum 6, number 2. –96 p.
Item The choice of cloud technology for big data(Commission of Motorization and Energetics in Agriculture, 2017) Veres, O.; Kozak, N.; Lviv Polytechnic National UniversityThis article describes specific features of cloud technology types and their existing classifications, as well as the peculiarities of their implementation in the process of designing the DDS for Big Data Management. The application of the analytic hierarchy process for the choice of cloud technology within the project of DDS for Big Data Management is suggested and described within this paper. Multi-criteria decision making task with a defined set of options and criteria is solved.Item Decision support methods in a competitive environment based on Boyd cycle by means of ontology use(Commission of Motorization and Energetics in Agriculture, 2017) Lytvyn, V.; Oborska, O.; Demchuk, A.; Krupa, D.; Lviv Polytechnic National UniversityThe method of decision making system elaboration in competitive environment based on ontological approach was developed. For scientific modeling of decision support process in competitive environment, mathematical support and methods of domain-specific ontology in the Boyd cycle (OODA – observation, orientation, decision, action) were elaborated.Item Partial semantic parsing of sentences by means of grammatically augmented ontology and weighted affix context-free grammar(Commission of Motorization and Energetics in Agriculture, 2017) Davydov, M.; Lozynska, O.; Pasichnyk, V.; Lviv Polytechnic National UniversityIn spite of the fact that modern statistical and neural net based tools for parsing natural language texts supersede classical approaches there are still areas where generative grammars are used. These are areas where collection of universal parallel corpuses is still in the progress. National sign languages are among them. Ontologies and common sense databases play valuable role in parsing and translation of such languages. Grammatically augmented ontology (GAO) is an ontology extension that links phrases to their meaning. The link is established via special expressions that connect phrase meaning to grammatical and semantical attributes of words that constitute it. The article introduces a new approach to sentence parsing that is based on integration of ontology relations into productions of weighted affix context-free grammar (WACFG). For that reason a new parser for WACFG grammar was developed inspired by works of C.H.A. Koster. Basic properties of WACFG are discussed and the algorithm for selection and convertion of GAO expressions into the set of WACFG productions is provided. The proposed algorithm turned out to be feasible in the context of parsing and translating Ukrainian Spoken and Ukrainian Sign language. The developed approach for mixed semantical and syntactical sentence parsing was tested on the database of sentences from Ukrainian fairy tail by Ivan Franko “Fox Mykyta” where 92 % of sentences were correctly parsed.Item Analysis of methods and means of text mining(Commission of Motorization and Energetics in Agriculture, 2017) Rybchak, Z.; Basystiuk, O.; Lviv Polytechnic National UniversityIn Big Data era when data volume doubled every year analyzing of all this data become really complicated task, so in this case text mining systems, techniques and tools become main instrument of analyzing tones and tones of information, selecting that information that suit the best for your needs and just help save your time for more interesting thing. The main aims of this article are explain basic principles of this field and overview some interesting technologies that nowadays are widely used in text mining.Item The approach of granular computing and rough sets for identifying situations(Commission of Motorization and Energetics in Agriculture, 2017) Burov, Ye.; Mykich, K.; Lviv Polytechnic National UniversityIn the article are described problems related to creation and maintenance of situational awareness systems. The definitions of concepts of situation and its identification are presented. An approach based on situational knowledge representation with ontological models is selected for attaining situational awareness in complex intelligent enterprise systems, where objects can be in several situations in the same time and some situations are defined imprecisely. Granular computing approach is used for reduction of situational knowledge management complexity. In order to work with situation defined imprecisely, rough set approximations are proposed for situation definition. The usage of mechanisms inherent to ontological modeling for situation representation and reasoning about them are also discussed.Item Using of personalized approach for assessment of the financial condition of the company(Commission of Motorization and Energetics in Agriculture, 2017) Melnykova, N.; Lviv Polytechnic National UniversityThis paper proposes ways of personalization the process of analysis and management of financial flows of the company that provide definition of strategy for business development. In order to ensure the individual approach have been analyzed the methods of optimization of for making strategic decisions and have been identified peculiarities of their application in this area. This allowed to determine several measures to provide for dynamic changes that occur in the financial condition of the company under the influence of implemented solutions and select the most appropriate decisions to change strategy. For successful implementation, the search of strategy should to provide an individual approach to determining the quality of finances management by taking into account the personal data of activity the company. The modern concept of use of computers and information technology and implementation the expert knowledge provides for the creation of intelligent information systems in specific subject areas: management, audit, statistics etc. Therefore, for solving the basic problems is proposed development of intellectual information system of financial management, which will offer the user optimal options, making for strategy development through intellectual component. As the prototype of such a system is the intelligent information system of financial management (IISFM) that is characterized by a set of informational, technical, programmatic and technological means of telecommunication, knowledge bases and data banks, methods and procedures.Item Use of a cloud storage for implementation informational processes(Commission of Motorization and Energetics in Agriculture, 2017) Boyko, N.; Lviv Polytechnic National UniversityIn this paper, description of a concept of cloud storage is offered. One of the most practical methods of storing required information to cloud storage is also considered. Method of creating screenshots is proposed. Theoretical research is carried out and there are justified advantages and disadvantages of different methods of storing information in social networks. The best technique of creating screenshots has been practically implemented. Problems that might come up while working with approach given in this article and its solutions are stipulated. There is analyzed a necessity of setting a zoom parameter which is to transfer after transmitting size value of the picture in social networks. In the article the parameter that specifies the width of the final image and clearly affects the quality of the image is also considered. There is analyzed the effectiveness of creating an information system that saves time for such information processes as tracking the photo and its comments. In the paper the task of changing bets, which are not immediately fixed in social networks is optimized. Also there is implemented in practice a scalability problem of information processes in social networks. In the article a separation of the script is also put into practice. One part of which directly performs the request of image and downloads it to cloud storage. With help of another part the information process is transmitted on the photo where the user identifies.Item The structure of the system of processing citizens’ appeals(Commission of Motorization and Energetics in Agriculture, 2017) Markovets, O.; Dumanskyi, N.; Lviv Polytechnic National UniversityThis article describes the features of interaction with public authorities. A realization of citizen appeal processing system and defines its mission. Posted scheme of the system processing of citizens. Detailed description of its components and functions as well as features of the program realization is given. Summarizing the existing regulations and experience of interaction with public authorities is described. Depending on the specifics of each of stages of system creation is given. For accounting and analysis of applications of citizens is designed database structure.Item Analysis of computer vision and image analysis technics(Commission of Motorization and Energetics in Agriculture, 2017) Rybchak, Z.; Basystiuk, O.; Lviv Polytechnic National UniversityComputer vision and image recognition are one of the most popular theme nowadays. Moreover, this technology developing really fast, so filed of usage increased. The main aims of this article are explain basic principles of this field and overview some interesting technologies that nowadays are widely used in computer vision and image recognition.Item Model of operator activity in computer systems image processi(Commission of Motorization and Energetics in Agriculture, 2017) Kaminsky, R.; Borovets, Ya.; Lviv Polytechnic National UniversityThe described Human-Operator model concerned with the design, evaluation and implementation of interactive computing systems for human use and with the study of major phenomena surrounding them. Analyzed state of using computer simulation and hardware you need to work with it.Item Зміст до "Econtechmod" Volum 6, number 2(Commission of Motorization and Energetics in Agriculture, 2017)Item E-tourism recommender systems: a survey and development perspectives(Commission of Motorization and Energetics in Agriculture, 2017) Artemenko, O.; Kunanets, O.; Pasichnyk, V.; PHEE Bukovinian University; Lviv Polytechnic National UniversityThis paper describes main modern tendencies of the design and development of intelligent information technologies, implementing process of generating recommendations in tourism recommender systems. The basic trends of the e-tourism information technology tools are analyzed to show importance of creation for multitask, multykontent mobile e-tourism recommender systems with decision support functions in terms of the tourism group, which is regarded as a single collective user.Item Титульний аркуш до "Econtechmod" Volum 6, number 2(Commission of Motorization and Energetics in Agriculture, 2017)Item Optimization of travel routes based on modified genetic and ant algorithms(Commission of Motorization and Energetics in Agriculture, 2017) Rybchak, Z.; Lviv Polytechnic National UniversityIn the article, propose to use modified mating operators and initialization genetic and ant algorithms to solve transport problems in tourism. The article analyzes modern methods of optimization of routes used to transport tourists between the settlements of view of efficient use of resources. By analyzing the behavior of ant colonies, such as finding the shortest route by providing mating pheromones and features two solutions genetic algorithm developed algorithms for finding the optimal route, costing resources search distance, time, route, storing executed routes. The paper present description created system for mobile phones operating system IOS, which performs all operations listed above.Item Cloud managers – an innovative approach to the management of the library information resources(Commission of Motorization and Energetics in Agriculture, 2017) Rzheuskiy, A.; Kunanets, N.; Kut, V.; Lviv Polytechnic National University; Augustine Voloshin Carpathian UniversityThe innovation of application of cloud managers is described in the article. The authors emphasize that the innovative direction of development of information activities is the integration of Web platforms (social networks and cloud storages) for creating a unified communication space and storage for large amount of information. Tool that provides this development are cloud managers. For library institutions using such technologies will create the favorable and flexible serviceoriented system for providing users with information resources. For determination of free cloud managers and selected among them a benchmark, the methods of benchmarking and expert evaluation were used in the research. The algorithm for operation with every service is given. The following technological capabilities: “integration with cloud storage”, “cloud disk space manager”, “multimedia playback,” “presence of workspace” for collaboration were taken into account. The result of the study is to determine the cloud manager that can serve as a benchmark for providing free cloud services with a wide range of technological capabilities.Item Building computer vision systems using machine learning algorithms(Commission of Motorization and Energetics in Agriculture, 2017) Boyko, N.; Sokil, N.; Lviv Polytechnic National UniversityIn this paper theoretic aspects of machine learning system in the field of computer vision is considered. There are presented methods of behavior analysis. There are offered tasks and problems associated with building systems using machine learning algorithm. The paper provides signs of problems that can be solved by using machine learning algorithms There is demonstrated step by step construction of computer vision system. The paper provides the algorithm of solving the problem of binary (two classes) classification for demonstration the machine learning algorithm possibilities in image recognition field, which can recognize the gender of the person on the photo. Aspects related to the search of data processing are also considered. There is analyzed the search of optimal parameters for algorithms. An interpretation of results in machine learning algorithm is provided. Binarization methods in machine learning algorithm are offered. There is analyzed the technology for improving the accuracy of machine learning algorithm. There are proposed ways to improve computer vision system in neural systems. Also there are analyzed large software modules that work using machine learning systems. The article provides prospects of powerful information technologies, which are necessary for the proper data selection in learning and configuration of feature extraction algorithm to create a computer vision system.Item The context analysis and the process of its formation(Commission of Motorization and Energetics in Agriculture, 2017) Zavuschak, I.; Lviv Polytechnic National UniversityThe development of the global economy and increased competition requires organizations to find new ways to enhance their competitive advantage. The most important and powerful source of important benefits organizations now have the knowledge and study of the subject – knowledge management processes. The efficiency of knowledge management depends on how these processes are interrelated infrastructure and processes of the organization to support the achievement of its objectives. To understand these relationships and present, not a simple list of elements and processes of the organization. Thus, we can conclude that requires an integrated structure in which all integrated dynamic coherent whole.