Ukrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science. – 2019. – Vol. 5, No. 2

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Засновник і видавець Національний університет «Львівська політехніка». Виходить двічі на рік з 2015 року.

Ukrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science = Український журнал із машинобудування і матеріалознавства : науковий журнал / Lviv Politechnic National University ; editor-in-chief Oleksiy Lanets . – Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2019. – Volume 5, number 2. – 84 p.


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    Structural and kinematic analysis of pantograph-type manipulator with three degrees of freedom
    (Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2019) Korendiy Vitaliy; Zinko Roman; Cherevko Yurii
    Problem statement. The processes of development and improvement of autonomous mobile robots are significantly constrained because of the lack of an open-access comprehensive scientific and theoretical framework for calculating and designing of autonomous mobile robotic systems Purpose. The main objective of the paper consists in carrying out kinematic analysis and motion simulation of pantograph-type manipulator with three degrees of freedom. Methodology. The method of closed vector loops is used for deriving the equations of motion of the robot’s manipulator. In order to perform simulation (virtual experiment), the 3D-model of the robot was designed in SolidWorks software. Findings (results). The motion equations of the pantograph-type manipulator are derived, and the graphical dependencies describing the trajectories (paths) of the gripping device are constructed. In order to substantiate the correctness of the derived equations, and of the presented laws of the gripper motion, the corresponding 3D-model of the robot was designed and investigated in SolidWorks software. Scopes of further investigations. In the present paper, there are analysed kinematic parameters of the manipulator motion. While carrying out further investigations, it is necessary to perform its dynamic analysis taking into account all the forces acting upon the elements of the robot, as well as the influence of drives. This will allow to catty out the optimization synthesis of the robots structure, namely the geometrical parameters of the mechanism, operational parameters of drives, etc.
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    Optimization of geometric parameters of a semi-spheroidal solid oxide fuel cell anode using the 3d stress and strain distribution graphs
    (Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2019) Kuzio Ihor; Vasyliv Bogdan; Korendiy Vitaliy; Borovets Volodymyr
    The purpose. Determination of radii ranges for cylindrical and convex (semispheroidal) parts of the solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) semi-spheroidal shape anode based on stress and strain parameters calculated; comparison of 3D graphs of stress/strain distribution in anodes of proposed and spheroidal shapes; substantiation of the semi-spheroidal anode potential to withstand deformation and stress gradient under operational conditions. The research method. The object of research is a solid oxide fuel cell anode of a semi spheroidal shape loaded with a fixing pressure along the closed-loop fixing and with an external gas pressure applied to the anode working surface. Stress and strain distributions in the anode were calculated by finite element analysis using software for calculating three-dimensional tasks Mechanical Desktop 6 Power Pack. Three-dimensional (3D) dependences of stress/strain distribution in anodes of proposed and spheroidal shapes at a variety of R / Rc ratios were plotted. Based on these curves, 3D surfaces of stress distribution along the axis and closed-loop fixing of semi-spheroidal shape anodes were constructed. Results. Three-dimensional curves of the graphic intersections of the surfaces of stress distribution along the axis and closed-loop fixing of semi-spheroidal shape anodes, with their projections on three coordinate planes, were plotted. The curves display the values of balanced stresses depending on geometric parameters. Domains of these curves were also defined. The scientific novelty. The proposed method of building 3D surfaces of stress/strain distribution in anodes depending on their geometric parameters shows for the first time that there exists an area of geometric parameters that allows the appropriate stress level to be reached ensuing safe long-term operation of the semi-spheroidal shape anode. The domain of this area was graphically defined. Based on the plotted isolines showing levels of strain in anodes with the 0.5 mm, 1 mm, and 1.5 mm thick cylindrical parts and a variety of spheroid to cylinder radii ratios, an advantage of a semi-spheroidal shape anode over spheroidal one was substantiated. The practical value. The obtained calculation results and their 3D graphical interpretation can be used in the study of the stress state and, respectively, to evaluate the strength and stiffness of the anode supported SOFCs of various shapes.