Environmental Problems. – 2021. – Vol. 6, No. 4

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Засновник і видавець Національний університет «Львівська політехніка». Виходить двічі на рік з 2016 року.

Environmental Problems = Екологічні проблеми : [науковий журнал] / Lviv Polytechnic National University ; [editor-in-chief M. Malovanyy]. – Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2021. – Volume 6, number 4. – Р. 195–281. : ill.



Content (Vol. 6, No 4)



Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 13
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    Household waste management system planning in the Poltava region
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2021-06-01) Illiash, Oksana; Holik, Yuri; Maksiuta, Nataliia; National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”
    Today in Ukraine, the municipal waste management system is focused on landfill waste, mainly their disposal in landfills and unauthorized dumps, most of which do not meet the requirements of environmental safety. Accordingly, the main task at the state and regional levels is to implement a systematic approach to waste management, which will ensure both a gradual reduction in waste generation and an increase in their processing and reuse. Implementation of this task requires the implementation of a set of measures provided by the National Waste Management Strategy in Ukraine until 2030 (approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated November 8, 2017, No. 820 (Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine 2017, No. 820-r) and the National Waste Management Plan until 2030 (approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on February 20, 2019, No. 117-p (Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine 2019, No. 117- r). According to documents, a crucial step for each region of Ukraine is developing a regional waste management plan based on a phase of strategic planning of all processes of waste management. The importance of this stage increases as a result of the completed process of power decentralization in Ukraine, and, accordingly, delegating authority to address most community development issues to the local powers.
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    Modern comprehensive information system for environmental quality monitoring
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2021-06-01) Honcharenko, Artem; Voloshkina, Olena; Kupinskyi, Ihor; Zhukova, Olena; Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture
    The threat to ecological balance can turn into a global problem, and we observe its deviations, which arise as a result of complex relationships between natural and social environments. Direct and indirect human impact on Earth's ecosystems together and interdependently form the planet's ecosystem, resulting in changes in the social environment of a human. Today's global problems are increasingly shifting to the side of developing countries, where environmental pressure is increasing because along with “pre-industrial” pollution, a new one is emerging, related to the invasion of multinational corporations and “exports” of polluting industries to “third world” countries. Modern “industrial” pollution in developing countries is the result of the transfer of many polluting industries to the “third world”, such as the construction of enterprises, chemical plants, chemicalization of agriculture. Due to this, the concentration of the population in the largest agglomerations is growing.
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    Choice of the efficient flow diagram of biological wastewater treatment at municipal wastewater treatment plants
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2021-06-01) Protsenko, Serhii; Kizyeyev, Mykola; Novytska, Olha; National University of Water and Environmental Engineering
    The possibility of increasing the efficiency of municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) operation by changing the flow diagram of biological wastewater treatment in aeration tanks at minimum expenses for their reconstruction is shown in the paper on the example of one of the regional centres of Ukraine. The technology of nitri-denitrification of wastewater according to the flow diagram of the two-stage modified Ludzak-Ettinger process is offered for the considered conditions. The distribution of wastewater flows and internal nitrate recycling between the individual stages of this flow diagram has been optimized in order to minimize the residual content of total nitrogen in the treated effluents. Computer dynamic modelling of biochemical processes has proved the high efficiency and reliability of the flow diagram proposed by the authors.
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    Analysis of the main methods of solid waste management
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2021-06-01) Storoshchuk, Ulana; Malovanyy, Myroslav; Tymchuk, Ivan; Luchyt, Liubov; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    The world’s growing population and, as a result, higher consumption of goods and services have led to a rapid increase in municipal solid waste. This situation creates serious environmental problems that require clear strategies for managing this waste. Improving the efficiency of recycling to restore quality materials, saving resources and maintaining waste in landfills are among the most pressing problems of our time. The article considers the existing methods of solid waste management in order to select the most optimal waste management system in the context of sustainable development.
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    Simulation of ion exchange interaction kinetics in the clinoptylolite – ammonium ion system
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2021-06-01) Sabadash, Vira; Gumnitsky, Jaroslaw; Omelyanova, Sofia; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    The kinetics of adsorption of ammonium ions under dynamic conditions has been studied. A mathematical model of the process was built. The mass transfer coefficient was calculated depending on the intensity of the change of location. It was established that ion exchange occurs in external and internal diffusion regions. The rate constants of ion exchange for the region of external and internal diffusion were calculated.
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    State and quality of water in the Desna river basin (Within the Chernigiv region)
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2021-06-01) Chugai, Angelina; Hlod, Anastasiia; Pylypiuk, Victor; Odessa State Environmental University
    The Desna River is a tributary of the Dnieper with a total length of 575 km within Ukraine. 468 km of them flows through the Chernihiv region. The main pollution sources of the water bodies in the Chernihiv region are utilities. Continuous monitoring of the surface water state is relevant and necessary, as it allows to give a reliable water quality assessment, to identify the anthropogenic impact factors and to assess the technogenic loading in order to establish the level of water use and to develop a set of measures to improve the state of water and the environment in general. The materials of monitoring observations of the water quality indicators of the Desna river for a long-term period, as well as the materials of the Ecological passports of the Chernihiv region concerning the water use indicators, were used as the initial data in the work. The analysis of the hydrochemical regime of the Desna River over a long period was performed using a graphical method. The assessment of the technogenic impact on the water bodies of the region was performed using the method of assessing the efficiency of water use based on the water consumption and sewerage efficiency coefficients. The analysis of the content of the water quality indicators showed that constant exceedance of the MPC (Maximum Permissible Concentrations) in the waters of the Desna River within the Chernihiv region was observed in the content of phosphates and nitrites, as well as total iron and manganese. The results of the assessment of the technogenic impact on the water basin of the Desna River showed that the drainage coefficient underwent certain changes with the best indicators in 2015–2016. No sharp fluctuations in the values of the water supply coefficient were observed. The best values of the water use efficiency complex coefficient were noted in 2015–2016. In general, in recent years the efficiency of water using indicators of the Desna River water in the Chernihiv region has corresponded to the average indicators. The results of the assessment of the technogenic impact on all components of the environment in the Chernihiv region showed that in recent years there has been a tendency to reduce the technogenic impact complex indicator. In general, the Chernihiv region can be attributed to the second ecological district with a moderate technogenic loading level.
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    Environment and economic development in Iran
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2021-06-01) Norouzi, Nima; Amirkabir university of technology (Tehran polytechnic)
    In the early 1970s, Iran showed a strong desire to create a healthy environment. However, no one expected Iran to sacrifice economic growth for the environment. Therefore, the constitution included some principles that combined pollution control and environmental protection programs with current development programs to ensure that environmental activities are considered part of national development. Iran’s development programs show that in encouraging and preserving the environment, the role of the government before and after the Islamic Revolution, instead of promoting competition, efficiency, and protection through market mechanisms, was direct command and supervision. In this regard, the weakness of executive programs, lack of public awareness and disregard for individuals and factories of policies and laws, prioritization of annual budget allocation in areas other than the environment has led to the inability of environmental control policies in Iran. Therefore, it is very important to answer two basic questions in the future. Do the beliefs of the people of the society matter for the destruction of the environment and call for serious action to deal with the environmental hazards? Has the government provided a suitable platform and opportunity for environmental protection? Answering these questions leads to the formulation of policies and their operational implementation concerning environmental issues in the country’s program and budget, and the success of policies depends on the answers to these questions.
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    Assessment of drinking water quality within amalgamated territorial communities
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2021-06-01) Valerko, Ruslana; Herasymchuk, Liudmyla; Hurskyi, Yevgenii; Pavlenko, Anastasiya; Polissia National University
    One of the main problems of rural residential areas is to provide the local population with quality drinking water, which is a major factor influencing their health. To solve this problem, it is necessary to implement effective measures not only at the state level but also at the regional and local levels. The main purpose of decentralization of power is to transfer the power and appropriate financial resources to the lowest levels of local self-government, which makes it possible for created amalgamated communities to use these resources to solve the priority issues. However, to determine the ecological state of rural settlements in the subsystem of drinking water quality, it is necessary to assess its quality in the territory where the community is situated. The investigation was carried out in 15 rural settlements of the Teterivka amalgamated community of the amalgamated Zhytomyr district. 36 water samples were selected from the sources of non-centralized water supply. Water quality classes were determined following DSTU (National Standards of Ukraine) 4808:2007 “Sources of Centralized Drinking Water Supply. Hygienic and Environmental Requirements for Water Quality and Selection Rules”. As a result, it has been established that nitrates make the largest contribution to the pollution of drinking water. In 47 % of the selected samples, the nitrate content on average exceeded the norm; and in 46.7 % of the investigated settlements, water belongs to quality class 4, defined as “mediocre”, “partially potable” of undesirable quality. A critical situation was recorded in the villages of Mykhailivka, Nova Rudnia and Staroshiika, where the nitrate content in all selected samples of the well water exceeded the norm. On average, 61 % of the selected water samples did not meet the standard and were below the standard. According to the pH indicator, the quality classes vary from “excellent”, very pure water grading to the class of “good”, pure water of the desired quality to “satisfactory”, slightly contaminated water of acceptable quality. The total iron content exceeded the standard in 5.6 % of the selected samples.
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    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2021-06-01)
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    Improvement of the municipal solid waste disposal system in Ukraine, on the example of the town of Chortkiv, Ternopil region
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2021-06-01) Ratushniak, Maryna; Tymchuk, Ivan; Berezyuk, Dariya; Malovanyy, Myroslav; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    Today, in Ukraine, there is a problem with solid waste disposal, especially in small towns. The lack of a developed system for the collection and disposal of solid waste, the presence of natural landfills instead of equipped landfills lead to the fact that small towns are abandoned. Therefore, the creation of a new solid waste management policy is an acute problem for these towns and villages. This article is devoted to analysing the global experience of solid waste management and, based on that, formulating recommendations for solid waste management in small towns using Chortkiv as an example.