Ukrainian Journal of Educational Research. – 2016. – Vol. 1, No. 1

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Науковий журнал «Український журнал досліджень в освіті» виходить двічі на рік з 2016 року. Засновник і видавець Національний університет «Львівська політехніка».

Ukrainian Journal of Educational Research= Український журнал досліджень в освіті : науковий журнал / Lviv Politechnic National University ; editor-in-chief Volodymyr Ortynskyi. – Lviv, 2016. – Volume 1, number 1. – 72 p. : il.

Ukrainian Journal of Educational Research

Зміст (том 1, № 1)


Content (Vol. 1, No 1)



Search Results

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    Benefits and challenges of the double diploma programs within the national higher education system
    (Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2016-09-12) Ortynskyi, Volodymyr; Samokhval, Olesya; Lviv Polytechnic National University; Vinnytsia Institute of Trade and Economics
    The article deals with the benefits and challenges of the double diploma programs within the national higher education system. The main objectives are defined as the theoretical analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature highlighting different aspects of the problem under research, and study of the double diploma programs implementation in European higher schools and Ukrainian universities. It highlights the historical background of the appearance of the double diploma programs in Europe and in Ukraine, the regulatory framework of this process, benefits and challenges of their realisation within the national system of higher education. The conclusions drawn show that these programs are the basis for accomplishing the major tasks defined in the Bologna Declaration and promote students’ mobility, increase the number of students in the European higher education space, and improve the quality of professional training.
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    Post-secondary and higher education of indigenous peoples in Canada: historical, social, economic, cultural, family-related, and individual barriers
    (Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2016-09-12) Mukan, Nataliya; Zapotichna, Mariya; Kravets, Svitlana; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    The article deals with the issues of post-secondary and higher education of indigenous peoples in Canada. The main objectives are defined as the theoretical analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature highlighting different aspects of the problem under research and identifies of the barriers to obtaining postsecondary and higher education by indigenous peoples. The post-secondary and higher education have been studied by foreign and Ukrainian scientists (Т. Andryushchenko, O. Barabash, N. Bidyuk, B. Burtch, M. Busko, J. Friesen, V. Friesen, S. Honcharenko, V. Kirkness, D. Klyne, O. Kotlyakova, T. Kuchai, L. Lukyanova, H. McCue, M. Mendelson, N. Nychkalo, O. Ogiyenko, J. Peters, R. Price, L. Pukhovska, J. Silver, F. Simard, S. Sysoyeva, J. White, I. Zyazyun). The legislative and normative framework of post-secondary and higher education of indigenous peoples in Canada is considered; the statistical data which characterise the indigenous peoples’ participation in post-secondary and higher education programs are presented; the existing barriers to getting post-secondary and higher education by indigenous peoples are analysed and identified as historical, social, economic, cultural, family-related and individual ones. The research methodology comprises theoretical (logical, induction and deduction, comparison, structural and functional, systematic, analysis and synthesis), and applied (discussion, questioning and interviewing) methods. The research results are presented.
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    The impact of external factors on the quality of higher education in Ukraine
    (Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2016-09-12) Sikorskyi, Petro; Grabynska, Olesya; Lviv Polytechnic National University; The Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
    The article presents the results of analyzing the effect of external factors on the development and quality of higher education in Ukraine. Among them the authors differentiate quality secondary education, well organized vocational guidance at schools, effective system of selection and admission of school leavers, prediction of the need for certain specialties, providing autonomy for universities and effective work of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education. Various definitions of the concept of “higher education” are presented and analyzed. The authors consider the reasons of low competencies of higher schools applicants in almost all secondary school subjects and as a consequence the challenges facing the teachers of higher educational institutions in training highquality specialists. It is emphasized that most universities and institutes are to take the responsibility for the quality of education. This will enable them to be internationally competitive.