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Item Poland and the Czech Republic in the us missile defense system (2001–2008)(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014) Олексин, Т. Є.Розглядаються особливості співпраці адміністрації Дж. В. Буша з Польщею та Чехією у сфері протиракетної оборони. Відзначаються передумови такого партнерства, його перебіг та наслідки. Значна увага приділена критичній оцінці аргументів як прихильників, так і опонентів ідеї про розміщення елементів американської ПРО на теренах Центрально-Східної Європи. The article deals with the peculiarities of cooperation Administration George W. Bush with Poland and the Czech Republic on missile defense. There have prerequisites such partnership, its course and consequences. Much attention is paid to the critical evaluation of arguments both supporters and opponents of the idea of placing elements of US missile defense in Central and Eastern Europe.Item Кримська проблема в українсько-російських міждержавних відносинах 1990-х рр.(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014) Рибак, Н. Б.Розкрито суть кримської проблеми в українсько-російських міждержавних відно- синах 1990-х років. Її специфіка була визначена глобальними процесами: ліквідацією системи східноєвропейського соціалізму і двополюсного поділу світу, розпадом СРСР, історичною нетрадиційністю економічного і політико-правового оформлення України і Росії як незалежних держав, а також вибору ними геополітичних стратегій. The occupation of the Crimea in March, 2014 by the Russian Federation updates versatile understanding of the Crimean issue in the context of territorial, military, political, economic, and geopolitical tensions in Ukrainian-Russian intergovernmental relations. The article reveals the essence of Ukrainian-Russian interstate misunderstandings of the 1990s concerning the Crimea and their legal framework. It is noted that the complexity of the problem, and hence its ambiguity and in many cases a complete alternative treatment options or concrete steps to address the authorities of Ukraine and Russia (in fact based on a single political and legal documentary framework of the late 1940s – early 1990s) were caused by changes in socio-economic and political conditions under which the problem originated, was realized, became topical and practically solved. Representatives of the legislative power of Russia stressed the legal illegitimacy of the transfer of the Crimean region to Ukraine in 1954 and, thus, the absolute right of Russia to the Crimea and Sevastopol as a base of the Russian Black Sea Fleet. For its part, Ukraine, refuting these claims put forward counterarguments that the Crimea together with Sevastopol belonged to Ukraine. Specificity of the “Crimean problem” at the international level in the 1990s was determined by global processes: elimination of systems of Eastern European socialism and bipolar division of the world, the collapse of the USSR, historically non-traditional approach to economic, political and legal formation of Ukraine and Russia as independent states, as well as their choice of geopolitical strategies. The peculiarity of this problem was the importance of distant economic interests or political aim of the participants of the official Ukrainian-Russian relations of the 1990s engaged in finding solutions to it. Transition situation of the political system, the uncertainty of its social and legal foundations resulted in temporary tactical alliances, extremely ideological approaches, multiplicity of standards in dealing with territorial and military issues, which after receiving legal registration (bilateral and multilateral agreements, contracts etc.) created political and legal framework for further contradictions and conflicts. The large-scale Ukrainian-Russian Treaty on Friendship, Cooperation and Partnership, signed in March, 1997 became a peculiar finale of the Ukrainian-Russian relations of the 1990s. The signed treaty, in fact, secured sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine on the part of Russia, but on the other hand legalization of the long-term stay of the Russian Fleet in the Crimea enabled the RF to gain control of the part of the Ukrainian territory, maritime communication, airspace, and hence to have a considerable impact on Ukraine’s foreign policy. Especially negative effects for Ukraine were saving the Russian military presence in the Crimea and exercising military control over the peninsula. The latter, in fact, greatly facilitated the implementation of Russian military aggression and annexation of the Crimea in February-March, 2014, which was a major violation of basic norms of international law, in particular the UN Charter, the provisions of the Helsinki Final Act, Budapest Memorandum of 1994, and bilateral Ukrainian-Russian international treaties.Item Початки формування армії УНР восени 1917 року(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014) Зінкевич, Р. Д.Досліджено початки формування армії УНР та створення вищих државних військових органів 1917 року. Показано помилки Центральної Ради у військовому будівництві, які згодом призвели до низької боєздатності Армії УНР. The article is about the study of the beginnings of the Ukrainian People’s Army formation and the creation of the senior state military authorities in autumn 1917. The research shows the mistakes of the Central Council regarding the military construction, that further led to the low Ukrainian National Army fighting efficiency. There were major political changes in Russia in autumn 1917. The Bolsheviks came to power after the armed revolution. This change of the political situation had influence on the course of events in Ukraine. During this period the Central Council finished the forming of the Ukrainian national military organizational structures and the creation of the UNA bases. A characteristic feature of that period was a rapid evolution from the spontaneous methods to the emersion of the national state military policy elements, that ultimately led to the appearance of the UNR Armed Forces main body. Against anti-militarist policy of the Central Council, aimed at the elimination of the regular army and replacing it to a people’s militia, all events led to the creation of the Armed Forces as one of the state attributes. In the end of November 1917 the Ukrainian military movement reached the stage of organizational appearance, despite all mistakes in the military construction. There were senior military authorities: General Military Secretariat, that served as the National Ministry of Defence, General Staff, National Military Council and military councils on different levels of the fields. Two military districts Kyiv and Odessa also were subordinated to the Ukrainian authority. In addition, the creation of the Ukrainian Front and the appointment by the Military Secretariat for it relevant chiefs completed the process of formal submission of all parts of the former Russian army on the Ukrainian territory to the UNR government. Ukrainian military schools started training of national military personnel. Therefore, we can state that in November 1917 there was established the UNR Army. It consisted of differently typed formations. According to the ways or methods of organization they could be divided into several types: arbitrary, those that appeared spontaneously; revolutionary, whose creation often started from spontaneous revolutionary movement, and then were recognised as the official authority; planned structures – ukrainianized and newly created units, that had to become the main body of a regular national army. However, the fighting efficiency of the UNA still remained low.Item Українська державність у 1920–1923 рр. та її знищення більшовицькою владою(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014) Шелюк, Л. О.На основі аналізу архівних документів та наукових досліджень показано процес втрати Україною своєї державності і в умовах більшовицької окупації. The article is based on an analysis of archival documents and scientific studies have shown the loss of Ukraine statehood under Bolshevik occupation. Revealed the main causes and background elimination of state and public structures.