Сучасні проблеми радіоелектроніки, телекомунікацій, комп'ютерної інженерії

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    Automation of building of behavior models of the non-markov discrete-continuous stochastic systems by the method of erlang phases
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2012) Volotchiy, Bohdan; Osirkovskyy, Leonid; Kulyk, Ihor
    The construction of models of behavior of discretecontinuous stochastic systems Non-Markov type by the method of Erlang phases is the object of consideration. This paper shows the principles of improving the technology of building the models of discrete-continuous stochastic systems, that allows you to build automated graph of states and transitions of Non-Markov type systems with using the method of Erlang phases. Improved technology is illustrated by the example of a queuing system.
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    Designing of fault-tolerant radioelectronic systems with majority structure
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2010) Volochiy, Bohdan; Ozirkovskyy, Leonid; Zmysny, Mykhailo; Kulyk, Ihor
    The object of consideration is the electronic system of long-term operation. Consider options for systems maintenance and without it. In systems without maintenance is an important consideration reconfiguration of majority Structure and aging of its elements. For the systems with maintenance is an important a choice of strategy maintenance. A mathematical model for both versions of fault-tolerant systems with majority structure.