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    Зміст до "Econtechmod"
    (University of Engineering and Economics in Rzeszow, 2019-03-20)
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    Determining the effect of oil after frying fish for the production of biofuels with a fractional composition of FAME
    (University of Engineering and Economics in Rzeszow, 2019-03-20) Wcisło, G.; Pracuch, B.; Tomyuk, V.; University of Agriculture in Krakow; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    The aim of the study was to determine the impact of the fish frying process on the distillation properties of FAME and its mixtures with diesel fuel. The fish was fried at 160 °C for 2 hours. Frying one serving lasted 6 minutes. The frying oil was a mixture of 50 % (v/v) rapeseed oil and 50 % (v/v) sunflower oil. The study showed that FAME biodiesel made from unused (pure) oil has similar distillation properties. The largest differences were observed for distillation temperatures of 85 % and 100 % and the final temperature of the distillation process. This may indicate a slightly lower purity of FAME produced from used cooking oil. In such a biofuel there may be more less volatile mono- and diglycerides or other chemicals that, e.g. after frying, remain in oil. It must be said, however, that they are not solid particles because they have been separated from the oil by filtration.
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    Technologies of supporting decision in understanding conditions for projecting technological processes
    (University of Engineering and Economics in Rzeszow, 2019-03-20) Brovarets, O. O.; Kovbasa, V. P.; Kyiv Cooperative Institute of Business and Law; Vinnytsia National Agrarian University
    Modern agriculture involves the implementation of a particular technological operation, according to the appropriate map-task, which is developed pre-based on diverse information. Knowledge of a certain structure of soil cover variability, obtained using information and technical systems of local operational monitoring of the agrobiological state of agricultural lands, allows us to adopt effective operational decisions for efficient managemen tagrobiological potential of agricultural lands. Obviously, under such conditions, there is a need for fundamentally new approaches to agricultural production, which is to ensure the proper quality of technological operations. The quality of the implementation of technological operations is an integral indicator of the efficiency of production of agricultural products within the agrobiological field. The necessary quality of implementation of the basic technological processes in plant growing is provided by the integrated information and technical systems of operational monitoring of the agrobiological state of agricultural lands. This opens new prospects for organic farming using such “smart” agricultural machines. In connection with this, the task is to obtain reliable data on the agrobiological state of the soil environment by reducing the error in determining the magnitude of the electrical conductive properties of the soil, providing individual stabilization of the working electrodes and the mechanism of lifting / lowering the working electrodes, copying inequalities of the soil environment, reducing the intensity of the destruction of the soil structure , self-cleaning of the working contact of the electrode and ensuring the stability of the electrical contact of the electrode with the soil, by instrument design perfection. The task is achieved by using the information and technical system of operational monitoring of the soil environment of the structure to determine the conductive characteristics of the soil environment. The purpose of this research is to determine the critical loading at the loss of stability by thin-walled working electrodes made in the form of working electrodes of various shapes (thinwalled solid, three-spit and four-spindle discs with different thickness of the rim). Information and technical system of local-operational monitoring of agrobiological state of soil environment of different configurations with one-side compression.
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    Impact of various types of soybean cake to soy straw briquettes on the heat of briquette combustion
    (University of Engineering and Economics in Rzeszow, 2019-03-20) Wcisło, G.; Pracuch, B.; Łagowski, P.; Kurczyński, D.; Tomyuk, V.; University of Agriculture in Krakow; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    The paper presents results of research demonstrating the effects on heat of combustion of adding press cake from three varieties of soyben Erica, Mavka and Sirelia to soyben stalk based briquette. The conducted research shows that heat of combustion of soyben stalk was 15.2 [MJ∙kg-1], much lower than the heat of combustion of press cake from four. Press cake heat of combustion from the most effective Erica soyben variety was 23.4 [MJ∙kg-1], or 54 % (w/w) more than that of rape stalk. Press cake heat of combustion from the least effective soyben variety was 19.8 [MJ∙kg-1], or 30 % (w/w) more than that of soyben stalk. Adding 20 % (w/w) of press cake during briquette production Erica varieties resulted in an increase in heat of combustion by approximately 10.5; and a 40 % (w/w) addition resulted in a further increase of approximately 20.4 %, a 60 % (w/w) addition of press cake increased heat of combustion by approximately 31.6 whereas an 80 % (w/w) press cake content increased heat of combustion by more than 38.8 %.
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    A GIS-based Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Analysis Approach to Industrial Site Selection
    (University of Engineering and Economics in Rzeszow, 2019-03-20) Buchynska, I.; Odessa State Environmental University
    The paper proposes a methodology for fuzzy multi-criteria analysis of decisions in a raster-based geographical information system (GIS) to determine the optimal locations for territorial objects. Recommendations about the stages of choosing alternatives for spatial and non-spatial constraints are given. It is shown that the fuzzyfication of criteria, that is, the conversion of their attribute values into a fuzzy set, based on expert evaluation of a fuzzy membership function, allows screening alternatives by determining thresholds of alpha-cut of fuzzy sets for each criterion, followed by combining criteria attributes using aggregation operators: minimum, maximum, weighted sum, OWA operator Jager. Adding to the procedure of multicriteria analysis of the additional stage of filtration of alternatives gives the opportunity to reduce the number of alternatives, and in the future and the processing time of the criteria layers by aggregator operators. The proposed algorithm for screening alternatives can be performed in a GIS environment using Fuzzy Membership, Overlay and raster calculators tools.
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    Formation of search queries based on thesaurus of narrowly specialized subject areas
    (University of Engineering and Economics in Rzeszow, 2019-03-20) Matsiuk, H.; Rzheuskyi, A.; Kunanets, N.; Veretennikova, N.; Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    The role of branch information retrieval thesaurus for improving and increasing the effectiveness of information support of scientific research, carried out using the technology of selective dissemination of information, is analyzed in the paper. The selective dissemination system provides both individual and group information needs, as subscribers can be individual users as well as a group of users, namely scientific teams and virtual scientific teams whose members can be geographically distributed. Within the scientific team, subgroups can be formed engaged in research of different directions of their subject area. The information retrieval thesaurus is considered as a language model of a particular subject area. The development of information technologies creates the possibility of information modeling of a narrowly specialized subject area and data presentation in the form of thesaurus, which is a hypertext that reflects the hierarchically organized semantic structure of a specific subject area.
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    Influence of catalytic mass content in catalytic combustion of isopropyl alcohol using aerosol nanocatalysis technology
    (University of Engineering and Economics in Rzeszow, 2019-03-20) Philips, T. C.; Kudryavtsev, S. A.; Glikina, I. M.; Korol, D.; Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University
    This paper studies the effect of catalytic combustion of isopropyl alcohol according to the principles of aerosol nanocatalysis technology on a vibrating fluidized bed reactor. using a metal oxide catalyst in the form of Fe2O3 Catalytic reactions under this technology eliminate the need for catalytic supports, while implementing in situ a continuous mechanical and chemical activation (MCA) of the catalyst surface by the mobile inert material. The effect of catalytic mass concentration in the reactor was analyzed to ascertain the best mass content of catalyst needed to achieve complete high % volume content of CO2 in the combustion gases product. This study revealed that under this technology, complete combustion can be achieved at a catalytic mass content of 0.0002 grams and 0.0004 grams, as results of the experiment showed that there needs to be a full saturation of the inert material with the catalytic component, for the combustion reaction to be favorable towards CO2 generation. This experiment was conducted by varying the amount of catalytic content being introduced into the reactor, by altering the mass of the catalyst from 0.0001 grams – 0.0005 grams, while using a temperature of 400 oC and MCA frequency of 3 Hz, the MCA frequency of 3Hz provides the reactant the opportunity to fully interact with the pores of the catalytic surface under mild reactor bed vibrations while under the impact of atmospheric pressure.
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    Титульний аркуш до “Econtechmod”
    (University of Engineering and Economics in Rzeszow, 2019-03-20)
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    Predicate data model in the form of a linear space
    (2019-06-26) Shliakhov, V.; Chetverykov, G.; Bozhko, I.; Shliakhova, N.; Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics
    The restriction of the input set in the form of a positive cone of the space is not always correct. For instance, while studying the organ of vision, people are limited not only to positive, but also to radiation with not very high energies, because excessively intense can disturb the visual organ. In this particular case, a convex body of a linear space is a fairly acceptable model of the set of input signals. Therefore, we consider linear predicates with this domain of definition.
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    Information technology of optimized agro-biological state management of agricultural lands
    (2019-06-26) Snytyuk, V.; Brovarets, O.; Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University; Kyiv Cooperative Institute of Business and Law
    Available techniques for dealing with uncertainties in the agro-industrial complex and their use for describing and assessing the adequacy of the decisions taken are incomplete, and often ineffective, as they usually do not take into account the combination of “field-machinetechnological material”, which prevents acceptance effective solutions for managing agro-biological potential of agricultural land and, as a consequence, obtaining the maximum economic efficiency of agricultural production. Reliable estimation of variables of agricultural production parameters using the “field-machine-technological material” model makes it possible to provide optimal control of available technical equipment (machinery, sowing machines, etc.), agro-biological (humus content, presence of nutrients, micro-and macro elements, etc. in soil or plant ) and technological resources for making adequate decisions and managing agro-biological potential of agricultural lands, which will provide the necessary economic efficiency. The task is achieved by ensuring the proper quality of the implementation of technological operations that are an integral indicator of economic efficiency and allow providing the necessary economic efficiency through optimal and efficient management of technical means for optimal action on the agrobiological potential of the field and the use of available technological resources. Such control is possible with the use of information and technical systems of local operational monitoring, which are located on machine-tractor units and provide effective control of technological operations by acting on the executive bodies of agricultural machines on the basis of data characterizing the agro-biological state of the soil environment. Information and technical systems of local operational monitoring of the agro-biological state of agricultural lands are used in the following cases: – before performing a technological operation, – simultaneously with the implementation of the technological operation (sowing, fertilizer application, etc.), – during the growing season and after harvesting. This opens new prospects for organic farming using such “smart” agricultural machines.