Вісники та науково-технічні збірники, журнали

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    Інформаційна стратегія органів державної влади України: особливості формування та реалізації у глобальному інформаційному просторі
    (Lviv Politechnic Publіshing House, 2015) Ільницька, Уляна
    Обґрунтована необхідність формування ефективної інформаційної стратегії органів державної влади в Україні, яка б відповідала європейським і світовим стандартам. Окреслено критерії та принципи ефективної інформаційної стратегії; проаналізовано її нормативно-правове забезпечення; висвітлено механізми реалізації. The article dwells upon the problem of formation and efficient realization of the information strategy of the bodies of state power of Ukraine which would meet European and world standards and facilitate the integration of our country into the global information space. It is emphasized that the formation and realization of effective information strategy of the bodies of state power represent a primary task since it facilitates complete and qualitative ensuring of rights of the public to information; conduction of the public control over the process of political decisions making; fulfillment of democratic principles of transparency, disclosure, responsibility of authoritative bodies functioning which, in its turn, determines the integration of the state into world information and communication processes. The article characterizes international standards of functioning of the bodies of state power in the global information space; analyzes existing mechanisms of realization of the information strategy of Ukrainian power bodies; characterizes the forms of information preparation and its promulgation. It is highlighted that information provision of state power bodies’ activity needs significant improvement, progressive implementation of innovative information technologies and formation of a single systemic information strategy. The research pays significant attention to analysis of the normative and legal regulation of information relations and information activity of the bodies of state power of Ukraine which is fulfilled on the basis of the Constitution, Laws of Ukraine, resolutions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and Verkhovna Rada. The analysis of the normative and legal base has enabled drawing the conclusion that, unfortunately, declared and adopted norms are not implemented in full capacity, mechanisms of their realization are absent because of insufficient funding of the information domain and slow introducing and implementation of innovative information technologies in the activity of the institutions of power.
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    Україна–ОБСЄ: активізація співробітництва у формуванні європейської системи безпеки та стабільності
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Ільницька, Уляна
    Охарактеризовано основні етапи та напрямки співробітництва України з ОБСЄ під час формування європейської системи безпеки та стабільності. Проаналізовано форми співпраці України та ОБСЄ у врегулюванні регіональних та міжнародних конфліктів, у стабілізації ситуації на Європейському континенті, розглянуто спільні безпекові проекти, миротворчі місії та операції. Велику увагу зосереджено на результатах головування України в ОБСЄ у 2013 р. Проаналізовано роль ОБСЄ у врегулюванні конфлікту Україна–Російська Федерація. In this article it has been investigated the topical problem of forming the European system of Security and stability via the active cooperation between Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and Ukraine (as a OSCE member state). OSCE is considered to be a priority security institution, the main task of which is to prevent conflicts with the help of means of preventive diplomacy, to regulate crisis and post-conflict reconstruction. OSCE plays the main role in the establishing of the European system of entire and equal security. Moreover, OSCE is the only transatlantic security organization, where Ukraine has been the full-fledged member since 1992. The article mainly focuses on the research of different forms and mechanisms of cooperation between Ukraine and OSCE. It is emphasized that Ukraine as the full-fledged member of this security organization plays constructive unifying role in the international security dialog, promotes security in the European region in the political, military, economic, ecological and other dimensions, which in its turn ensures stability in Ukraine. The article dwells in detail on the main stages and areas of cooperation between Ukraine and OSCE in forming the European system of security and stability and elucidates the specific features of activity of our country in regional security dialog. The active cooperation between Ukraine and OSCE results in effective international peacemaking activity of our country, carrying out the joint measures of counteractions of unconventional threats, such as growth of international terrorism, anti-Semitism, intolerance and increasing of conflictogenity in regions. The research focuses on the role of Ukraine as the full-fledged member of OSCE in regulation of «frozen» conflicts; it also highlights the expansion of Ukrainian mission within the OSCE missions and structures.