Вісники та науково-технічні збірники, журнали

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    Роль партнерства в умовах гуманітарної кризи
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Фігун, Н. В.; Білошевська, О. Б.
    Досліджено роль партнерських відносин у гуманітарному ланцюзі постачання, проаналізовано модель співпраці учасників гуманітарного ланцюга. Розглянуто основні проблеми, які спричиняють неефективну координацію учасників ланцюга гуманітарної допомоги. Наведено основні принципи успіху державно-приватного партнерства, які підвищують ефективність співпраці. The role of partnerships in humanitarian supply chain is researched; the model of cooperation between participants in humanitarian supply chain is analysed. The main problems that cause inefficient coordination of participants in humanitarian supply chain are considered. The basic principles of successful public-private partnerships that enhance the effectiveness of cooperation are presented. There are proposed methods that help to organize quickly the delivery chain of humanitarian aid that involves strategies for effective coordination of its members. The main objectives of humanitarian logistics which includes the purchase and delivery of necessary materials and provision of necessary services in place and at time when they are needed are formed. Therefore, in this article the main purpose, essence, prospects, funding sources, especially reverse logistics and life cycle of humanitarian supplies of traditional and humanitarian logistics are defined and the main differences between traditional and humanitarian logistics are reviewed. The main humanitarian supply chains members are listed. The nature and importance for society of coordination and cooperation between all participants across humanitarian supply chain are considered. The model of cooperation between the members of humanitarian supply chain is presented; examples of such cooperation during the natural disasters are provided (the terrorist attacks on September 11 and hurricane Katrina). Based on these examples the main reasons of ineffective engagement of participants during emergencies are discovered. The location of logistics centers, hubs, airports, ports, and routes for assisting victims of the hurricane in Philadelphia (2013) is presented. It has been proven that effective partnerships can improve coordination within the chain, maximizing the process of providing necessary resources and leading to integrated communication. The notion of partnership between the private sector and local authorities is expanded; strategic, operational and tactical effects of this partnership are considered. The idea that the partnership between the state and private sector institutions can change the strategic direction of combating the disaster is demonstrated. The basic principles of success that will allow to build effective public-private partnerships including accessibility, planning, resources availability, interests, stability are analyzed. Useful hints on increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of such cooperation are developed.