Вісники та науково-технічні збірники, журнали

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    Аграрне питання в програмних документах і діяльності УНДО
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014) Виздрик, В. С.
    Розглянуто діяльність політики УНДО в аграрній сфері. Проаналізовано діяльність партії у пропаганді ідей господарської самостійності та згуртованості українського селянства в протистоянні асиміляційній політиці Польської держави парламентським шляхом. Consider activity of the UNDO policy in agriculture. The parliamentary activity of the UNDA played an important role in promoting the ideas of economic independence and unity of the Ukrainian peasants in opposition to the policy of Ukrainians assimilation. The article deals with the activities of the Ukrainian National Democratic Association (UNDA) in agricultural policy. In the interwar period, highly sophisticated national and socioeconomic relations have developed in Western Ukraine and they were accompanied by constant political struggle of the population with the Polish authorities. Against this general background of sharp contradictions in the conditions of colonial rule, the Ukrainian political parties were forced to develop their own policy in the agrarian question, and fight for their implementation. In the political spectrum in Western Ukraine the UNDA has played a significant role, as for the size and impact on the Ukrainian people. It became a leading Western party in the second part of the 20’s and 30’s of the twentieth century, and the Association represented Ukraine in the international arena. The experience of the UNDA is very important in the context of modern state-building process in Ukraine, as the forms and methods of the parliamentary activity that were promoted by the National Democrats are still actual. Being on the legal situation the Association expressed the national interests of the Ukrainian people and defended their right to self-organized life. The party initiated the consolidation of the national forces and made decisive impact on the socio-political, cultural, educational and economic life of the region. The experience of the National Democrats in the Sejm and Senate of Poland proved that it was impossible at that time to solve the agrarian problem in Western Ukraine by the parliament. The failure of understanding between the National Democrats and the Polish government has caused the frustration among the Ukrainian public in legitimate – parliamentary methods of struggle. It was the push to the decline of all Ukrainian legal parties regardless of their relationship to the policy of “normalization”. However, the parliamentary activity of the UNDA played an important role in promoting the ideas of economic independence and unity of the Ukrainian peasants in opposition to the policy of Ukrainians assimilation, and it preserved the traditions of multiparty democracy in the our society.